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~Orion Montgomery~

February had slipped away, much unlike the smile that refused to leave Orion Montgomery's face. No matter how much her friends teased her about it. It was early March now and Orion was hard at work, laboring away in front of the forge. She had a small commission for a simple short sword, for the purpose of display, which she was working away at.

The buzzing in her cargo pants pocket caused her to pull the pommel, which glowed a dull red, away from the power hammer where she was shaping it. Orion set it down on her anvil to cool while she tried to wipe her hands off before answering the call.

"Hello?" She hummed, grabbing a water bottle and taking a quick sip.

"Hey, Orion." Spencer's nervous voice responded.

Orion's brow pinched, wondering why he sounded like that. "Ah, SSA Dr. Spencer Reid PHD, to what do I owe this pleasure?" She smiled, hoping the familiar greeting would put him at ease, and make him blush.

Spencer cleared his throat in what she could only assume was embarrassment and she swore she could hear snickering in the background. "Um, are you busy right now?"

Now that was definitely strange. He knew she was working on a short sword, and had been for the last five days. "Not particularly. I've got the pre-form just about hammered out and done. What's going on?"

"We, um, we might need your help on our current case." Spencer admitted. He was working a local one right there in DC, they'd started two days prior.

"What?" Orion frowned in confusion, moving out of the workshop and into the office. Offering a wave to Marlow who was going over business emails. "What could I possibly help you with? Other than beating people up." Marlow snorted and she shot him a small glare.

"Well, it turns out all five of our victims were street racers who were killed after winning some kind of big race." He explained, still sounding nervous.

"You want me to race again." Orion realized. "Spencer, I haven't hit the street since I nearly got myself killed when I was eighteen. That was nine years ago!"

"But you still know how to, or did you win all three races on Valentines Day by luck?" Spencer reminds her and she lets out an only slightly annoyed groan.

"Spencer-" She started before being interrupted by a voice she didn't recognize.

"Miss. Montgomery, we understand that we're asking you to put yourself in a dangerous situation. However none of our agents have the skillset to pass as a legitimate street racer in order to single out our Unsub. Reid's assured us that you are more than capable." She blinked in surprise at the stern and serious male voice. Had she been on speakerphone?

"Wait, Hotch, you know her last name?!" Yet another voice called out in shock.

"Not the time Morgan." Spencer groaned.

"You told Hotch about your girl and not us!" Morgan protested.

"You got to talk to her for five minutes!" Spencer argued.

"Okay, okay, you two can argue later." A female voice butted in.

"Fine." The two men grumbled and Orion couldn't help but chuckle.

"So, you want me to try and attract this Unsub's attention by winning races?" She got back to the point of the phone call.

"If you're willing. The bureau is willing to supply you with a vehicle confiscated from an arrested street racer." Who she assumed was Hotch confirmed.

"You do realize that there are many illegal races that go on every night in DC right? Do you know which one you're looking for?" Orion asked, already grabbing her belongings and heading out to sit in her car.

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