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~Spencer Reid~

Just like the last time he caught Spencer Reid on a call with Orion, Morgan was quick to tell everyone on the team about it. Spencer's only consolation was that as soon as he realized Morgan was trying to gather information by his responses on the call, Spencer had switched to Japanese. Much to Orion's amusement and Morgan's frustration.

This had led to even more pestering and prodding about who Orion was. They now knew her first name, but Morgan was also now under the illusion that she was from Japan. Spencer had remained tight lipped with everyone except Rossi, who already knew more than the others anyway.

After that first evening call, this had become the new routine. Calling instead of texting. Spencer had to admit he preferred it. Texting was tedious and he wasn't a fan.

He'd learned a bit more about Orion through those few calls. She had a niece whom she had recently gotten in the habit of trading handwritten letters with. Spencer had of course then mentioned how he wrote a letter to his mom every day.

On their date, Spencer had been uncomfortable with talking about his parents and thankfully Orion had picked up on it, changing the topic. Now though, he knew a good bit about her family and thought it was only fair if he opened up a bit about his own. While he told Orion his Mom still lived in Las Vegas, he hadn't mentioned her schizophrenia or how she was in a sanitarium.

Now that the case was over and they were getting ready to jump back on the jet home, Spencer was thinking about second date ideas. Rolling a few options around in his head, trying to think of which would be the best option. Eventually he decided to keep things simple this time and just invite her to his apartment for dinner and a movie. In Spencer's mind, nothing could go wrong.

Spencer held his phone to his ear, listening to it ring as he nawed on his lip nervously. Very much aware that his coworkers were trying to subtly listen in.

"Hello SSA Dr. Spencer Ried PHD, how are you?" Orion answered and Spencer fought, and failed, to keep a blush from rising to his cheeks.

"Hey, Orion. I'm doing well. We just finished the case. I'm on the jet back to Quantico. Do you have any plans for this evening?" Spencer asked in Japanese. Smirking as his teammates groaned.

Orion laughed. "I'm glad you finished the case. As for evening plans there are currently none, but I assume you intend to change that?"

"You did say I could take you on a second date." Spencer smiled.

"That I did." She agreed.

"Does dinner and a movie at my place sound okay?" He asked a bit nervously.

"That sounds lovely. Do you have a specific time in mind?" Orion hummed happily.

"Seven good with you?" Spencer proposed.

"Seven it is. Will you text me your address?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you have any movie preferences?"

"Anything is good with me, Spencer." Orion was leaving the decision in his hands. Which did make Spencer a bit nervous.

"Okay, I'll see you at seven then, Orion." Spencer confirmed.

"See you at seven Spencer." With that the call ended and Spencer quickly texted her his address before stuffing the phone in his pocket.

"Spence, since when do you know Japanese?" JJ asked from the seat across him.

"Ten days ago." Spencer shrugged.

"Oh my god, you learned it just for her didn't you!" Prentiss gasped, getting up and moving to the seat next to JJ, leaning forward with an excited grin. Spencer groaned slightly.

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