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~Spencer Reid~

"You're nervous." Spencer stated, watching his girlfriend's body language carefully as they drove to where the race meet was.

"Yes." She stated flatly, eyes remaining on the road as her hands gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn her knuckles white. Which was concerning because Spencer knew she loved driving and always seemed relaxed when she was behind the wheel.

He reached over and carefully pried one of her hands off the wheel and wove his fingers between hers, the large amounts of metal around her fingers feeling weird to him. "Talk to me, what's making you nervous."

Orion pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I keep having flashbacks to when I last did this." She murmured, though he still heard her over the rumble of the engine. "The sound of squealing tires and bullets pelting metal."

Spencer squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Nothing like that is going to happen." He tried to reassure her.

"You don't know that. Most street racers carry weapons." Orion's frown deepened.

"And we're going to have agents ready to storm in the second we have confirmation on the Unsub's identity. You're not on your own this time, you've got back up." Spencer reminded her gently.

"The effort is very much appreciated, Spencer. But this is still street racing and I unfortunately know just how fast things can go very bad." Orion glanced at him with a tiny, strained smile.

"Okay, walk me through the plan then." Spencer decided on a different tactic.

"We're going to arrive and perform a couple of donuts and similar tricks before getting out with loud music playing. That will draw all the racers attention to me. When we get out, it would be best if you kept a serious and unfazed expression as much as possible 'cause I'm going to insult and taunt them. Which is not going to receive a pleasant response." Orion began, not even realizing her grip on the steering wheel was losing tension.

If there was one thing Spencer knew for sure about Orion; it was that she found stability in detailed plans. A trait she'd absorbed from Goro, though Spencer could only assume this. The point was, getting her talk about the plan would calm her down.

"It will also draw out all the hotheads." Spencer guessed.

"That's right." Orion nodded.

"Our Unsub will almost definitely be one of them. He's devolving, the amount of overkill on his last victim, who was also a female, had escalated. He's not going to be able to contain his rage." He added.

"So I should be prepared for him to physically lash out at me?" Orion asked.

"Hopefully we can avoid that, but being prepared for it won't hurt." Spencer frowned, hating the idea of the Unsub even getting close enough to see her, nevermind touch her.

"Am I allowed to fight if I need to?" Orion raised an eyebrow as they got closer to the meeting spot, an area on the edge of the city full of abandoned warehouses.

"Yes, and I've got my gun on me just in case." Spencer nodded.

"Are you going to be okay with the car spinning around a bunch of times?" She glanced at him and Spencer couldn't help but smile softly at the concern she had about his comfort.

"As long as you're the one driving, I'll be fine." He assured her confidently.

"Just making sure. Also, do you think we should use code names?"

Spencer blinked at the sudden idea. "Why?"

"Don't really want them to know who we are, even if we're dressed differently than we usually are." Orion shrugged.

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