Chapter 14: The Tremple Family

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"She could be!"

Alrighty. I think it's time I properly introduced myself before they start making anymore assumptions. I sighed deeply.

"What is this about giant slugs?" I murmured, my voice rough and scratchy against my throat.

"We want to know if ya fell through one," Amly stated, completely unwavering. "Ow!"

"Go away, will ya?"

I opened my eyes, grateful that this time I could move them more than a sliver. Amly was rubbing her arm, glaring at a boy as tall as their dad, but nowhere near as bulky.

"You go away, ya big hog's ass."

There was something so incredulous about watching the two siblings while another girl - Drael, I'm assuming - watched with a barely concealed smirk. I made no such effort, unable to hold the chuckle that was quick to shake my shoulders - even if it did hurt. I raised a hand to pass over my face, opting to ignore the way my arm trembled at the effort.

"Sorry," I cleared my throat. "Been awhile since I saw something like this."

Lanie jerked his attention over to me, his dark, heavy-lidded eyes heavy with suspicion.


Slowly - ever so slowly - I eased my body into a sitting situation, wincing at the sharp, sore pains that quickly followed suit.

"Human interaction," I gruffed, then decided to clarify further. "A difference between siblings wanting to kill each other and a pair of strangers, I mean." I peered down at my bare toes, which were still bloody and scraped. My ankle was swollen and bruised with an angry red gash from where that creature had caught me.

This was embarrassing.

A thin smile curling at my lips, I glanced up at the small girl and her older brother. "It's refreshing."

The young man looked understandably awkward right then, glancing at his sisters before shoving his hands in his trousers' pockets.

"I'll get Leina," he mumbled, and headed off to the little doorway to too far away from my head.

Tossing one last curious look in my direction, Drael followed after her brother.

"I'll go with you!"

Amly smiled, her child eyes wide and excited.

"Sorry we didn' give ya a bath," she said, although she didn't sound very apologetic. She plopped down next to me, tilting her head to the side. "I wanted to - you smell absolutely awful - but Pa said you'd want to do that yerself. Do ya not like baths?" She didn't give me much of a chance to respond when she continued. "I don't blame ya. Leina takes up all the hot water when we have to take baths, so I gotta share with Drael. Until lately, at least. Somethin' 'bout her wanting privacy - and Pa agreed! Maybe you'll get lucky."

"You sound disappointed," I remarked, raising my brow. "Surely that means you get a bath to yourself?"

She hesitated. Clearly, this was something she had mixed feelings about.

"I like having a bath to meself," she acknowledged. "But now Drael doesn't like to play with me anymore." She paused, and I knew what she was going to ask next before the words left her mouth. "Maybe you can! We can be the best of friends-"

"Amly, stop pestering that poor woman and go find Pa," snipped a new voice. Immediately, Amly stood.

"Oh, Pa's out-"

"I said go find him."

The young girl scuffed the floor with her foot, though nonetheless headed out the back door.

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