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Harris and I had numerous conversations over the two days we were stuck at the Inn. Most of them were me freaking about the prospect of giving in and being exclusive with him, but he was quick to reassure me that didn't mean we were 'dating' or that he would invite me to Christmas with Atrhur and the rest of the Sinclair clan. It just meant that we were going to continue to exclusively fuck one another and hang out when we felt like it.

On the subject of me telling Hannah and Guin, I'd decided that I wanted to tell Hannah, but that I didn't want anyone else to know from Sinclair. I needed another person to talk to about it besides Benji and I trusted that she wouldn't tell Guin. Though I would love to tell Guin, I felt like her commitment to Lawson would end in her telling him and it blowing up at work, or perhaps over that Sinclair Christmas I talked about.

In the two days we had at the Inn post 'talk', Harris and I had fallen into a lovely pattern of cohabitating without wanting to kill one another. He would get up and go to yoga, while I slept in, hogging the entirety of the king-sized bed. Then, he'd come back all sweaty and make me sweaty, too. When we felt like it, we would shower or eat, but otherwise we played board games (I schooled him in scrabble every time), completed a puzzle, and I finished a bunch of school work while he worked on finalizing some sales of his pottery and photographs in Switzerland.

He did talk to Iva, as he said he was going to. He even put the phone on speaker to let me hear the conversation. After he said the words, "Iva, I'm seeing someone," her tone completely changed. She said that she and her friends were still coming to New York and that she wanted to see him, and hoped they could find an afternoon to have a conversation. Harris explained to me that they both needed closure, since they hadn't gotten it before. I was more than alright for him to have that time. He promised that it would happen in a public space and I would know everything about it, which was a little overkill for our situationship.

We were leaving because the roads opened back up. I'd been in contact with dad and Levi, so they didn't worry, but I hadn't talked to Benji for a couple days now.

- " Hey, princess. Nice of you to take time out of your busy snowed-in fuck-a-thon and call me."

- "Don't. I was going to call you and tell you my news, but now I think I'll make you wait to hear it."

- "Hopefully not too long. I heard the road is back open."

I adjusted my phone on my shoulder as I continued to walk around the bedroom collecting my things.

- "Yeah. We are coming back today at some point, but Harris wanted to stop in town and pick up a few things before heading back."

- "Aren't you sick of him yet?"

- "Yes and no. I got sick of him, we fought, now we're fine."

- "Well would you look at that. You finally let someone stick around long enough to get through shit with them and come out on the other side. How does it feel?"

- "Like I fucking lost my damn mind. But listen, he is in the shower and I don't want to talk about right now. I'll come by the bar tomorrow. Do you want to go Thanksgiving shopping with me? I need to get everything and I also need to go and pay my down payment for spring tuition."

- "Yeah. I have to be back at the bar by 4:00 pm."

- "I'll come over at 11:00 am tomorrow morning." I finished that sentence and Harris walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped as low as it could be to stay. He had another towel in his hands that he was using to dry his hair.

"Who are you meeting tomorrow at 11:00?" he asked me.

"Benji. We're going Thanksgiving shopping. It's sorta our thing. He makes the meal for his mom, dad, his sister and her family and hosts them at the bar. I make the meal for mine."

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