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I spent all day with Benji yesterday, even staying over at his place again last night. We had started watching a show that we got sucked into and binged until well past our bedtimes, so we fell asleep on the couch and never bothered to move until morning. I was waking up to a moaning body shifting underneath me. "Still get hot as hell when you sleep, huh?" Benji somewhat asked, but I think it was more of an annoyed observation.

"I guess some things never change," I said, spying his situation in his pants. I sat up and moved away from the part of his body that I was just sleeping against, all the while knowing it meant nothing sexually, he just always fucking woke up like that. Guess a lot of guys did, but I wouldn't know, because of the whole not staying until morning thing.

"I'm a guy. If your dick works, this is what happens in the morning," he was quick to defend.

"Calm down, Benj. I know you're not trying to get in my pants." I got up and walked to his bathroom. I saw him shaking his head at me as I turned around to close the door. When I came out he was standing there (less aroused) with his hands on his hips looking at me. "What?" I asked.

"You never close the door all the way and you pushed off me was like someone would be upset you were laying on me to sleep last night," he tutted.

"So, I closed the door?" I tried to play it off. Not even mentioning our sleeping arrangements because it was no different than me falling asleep on the couch with Hannah.

"I think you like him. AND you are trying to be respectful."

"I think you're delusional. I just don't like being woken up and reminded of what you won't provide for me anymore. It's the whole reason I had to go looking elsewhere in the first place," I joked. I could joke about it now because we were a few years post break up. I could also joke about it now because we were very clear (with each other) that we'd never cross that line. We'd joke about it occasionally, but both knew that we valued each other's friendship too much to even consider it. Especially after the break up we worked through. That, and the fact that he was now gay.

Even though we were up super late, I still had to leave relatively early because Hannah was coming over to help me pack for the conference since she had been to events like this with Declan. Thankfully, Benji wss willing to drop me off at my apartment twenty minutes before Hannah was set to arrive, with a box full of donuts for me to bring up as a peace offering to Levi, Dillon and dad for stealing me last night, as well.

"She does still live here," Levi announced as I set the box on the table.

"You knew I was at Benji's. I enjoy not having to sleep in a twin bed when I'm at his place."

"Sorry we don't have such posh accommodations," dad said.

"I'd hardly call Benji's apartment above the bar posh, but it is less crowded," I walked over and gave my dad a hug before I came back to grab a donut from the now open box. I caught up with my siblings while I ate two donuts, which left me with enough of a sugar high to get through packing with Hannah. She knocked at the door as we finished discussing my schedule, now that everyone in my family was in the same room all at once. I let her in and she greeted everyone, grabbing a donut for herself before she followed me back to my bedroom.

I had to get creative with storage in my room, because there was only one rather small closet in the room that Dillon and I shared. I was done fighting over space in a closet as a grown-ass adult woman. So, I did what every twenty-something does; I built a cheap wardrobe from IKEA to house all my clothes. Now the only clothes it houses are those that I wear to work or my dressy clothes (which is like five dresses). Everything else has been exiled to the dresser or it is folded on top of it.

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