Chapter 22: A Valuable Lesson

Start from the beginning

"Did any of you learn any yodeleeeyodeleeelife lessons?!" He asked as you blinked and tilted your head.

"What the fuck is he saying?" You thought.

"Are you kidding, just look at us!!!" Sakura began to speak.

"Your idiotic games won't prepare us for anything!! The big show is only days away! I see no point in being here, I'm over it!!!" She said.

She sounded really angry, which didn't really surprise you. She had been stressing a lot over the last few days, and the incident with the boar was more than enough to tip her over the edge.

"Don't you? Then you should close your eyes and listen!! That way, dear Mother Gaia will speak and you will know, then even up here you are never aloooone." Kotaro said.

"I JUST SAID I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!" Sakura snapped.

"Oh my." Kotaro said, stunned at Sakura's outburst.

Sakura's body then walked over, so you helped her out by placing her head back on. After that, she turned to Kotaro and glared at him.

"I'm going home!!" She said before storming off down the mountain.

"Great job." Saki said to Kotaro.

"So what's the plan?" She asked.

"GO HOME!!!!" Kotaro yelled, his voice yet again echoing around the area.


The girls were straight back to practicing the next day, but everything was a bit more awkward since Sakura's outburst after the time spent in the mountains.

"Things have been super awkward since yesterday on the mountain. But our performance at Arpino is right around the corner!!" Sakura thought to herself.

"Sakura!" Ai said, trying to get her attention.

"At this rate we'll be way under rehearsed!!" Sakura kept on thinking to herself, zoning out and ignoring what was being said to her.

"Sakura!!!" Ai said again, which got Sakura's attention.

Ai turned the music off and turned to her. By this point, everyone was pretty much out of breath.

"You're still going too fast! Like I said before, you need to match our pace!" Ai said.

"This isn't a solo." Ai continued before turning around to turn the music back on again.

"Let's try again from the top." Ai said.

"It's not my fault we're out of sync." Sakura said.

Everyone turned to look at her in shock.

"While you guys were goofing off out there, I was actually practicing our dance!!" Sakura snapped, her frustration had boiled up to a point where she had had enough.

The girls watched as Sakura left the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Well that was rude. What gives?" Saki asked as she looked around at everyone else for an answer.

She did not get one however, so the girls halted their practice for now. Upon leaving the room, they ran into you who had just passed Sakura on the way out.

"Is...something wrong?" You asked.

Yugiri stepped forward and gently put her hand on your shoulder, turning you around and starting to walk you out of the room.

"Could you please do my makeup? I would like to speak to Lord Kotaro. There are questions that we all have. And yes, they are connected to Lady Sakura." She said.

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