Day 7: Hurt & Protective

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A/N: Sorry this is late I had a busy day at work and forgot to publish this :'))))

A/N: swearing, fighting & blood

"Fuck," Liam groaned with a slight pant as he stared down at his blood covered hand. He averted his gaze upwards to see Nolan standing above him, his crossbow secured in his hand. "Nolan put the dam cross bow down," Liam said with a grunt as he tried to stand.

Nolan's shaky hands did little to inspire confidence in the young beta, one wrong move and he would pull the trigger again. "I can't- you'll kill me, they'll kill me." Nolan rambled, his panicked voice almost made Liam feel bad for him but then he was reminded by the beating Nolan and Gabe had inflicted upon him only days ago.

"Put it down Nolan," Liam said finally finding his footing and standing up, "I can guarantee I'd hurt you a lot worse if you don't," he said in an unusually calm tone despite his eyes glowing golden and intimidating the frightened hunter.

"I have to kill you," Nolan said softly, his voice barely a whisper as he rose the crossbow back up and looked inside the scope. "I'm sorry-" Nolan added, now lining the shot up with Liam's head, his finger grazing the trigger.

"I'm not," a voice spoke startling the hunter, he whipped around and saw Theo standing behind him. Before Nolan could react, Theo was pressing his head against the rocky walls, knocking him unconscious. "You good?" He asked turning to Liam who appeared to be pale, "Liam?" he asked.

Rushing to the beta's aid when Liam's legs buckled, "wolfsbane," Theo muttered catching the poisonous scent and seeing the fresh bloody wound on Liam's shirt, "come on, you need to get to Deaton's." Theo said trying to encourage the beta to walk but it seemed the effects were stronger than normal.

"Yellow wolfsbane," Liam corrected, having known the feeling all too 'well'. Yellow wolfsbane was the most dangerous, lethal... deadly. "I- just give me a minute," Liam huffed out, his energy taking a hit as his legs felt sluggish behind him.

"No, we don't have a minute Liam." Theo wasn't about to watch the beta die, no way. Not after everything the pair had gone through in recent time, he couldn't let him die. But with hunters currently invading the zoo Theo knew he had to act fast, "come on," Theo said making Liam place an arm around the chimera's neck.

Hoisting the beta up he carried most of his weight, feeling Liam's grip weaken he held him upright. "Come on we're not far," Theo growled more out of fear than anything else, he refused to let the beta die like this. A shot barley grazed him, leaving Theo to release his grip on Liam.

Liam lazily slid down the wall while a hand clutched at his stomach, feeling the infection spread through him. "Lookie here, caught us two mutts." The hunter seemed proud of himself for that one, it was honestly embarrassing.

Theo looked down only for his fangs to retract, with quick movement he looked back up to the man only for him to be backing away, pathetic. "I'll rip your flesh off with my teeth!" Theo growled, not afraid to scare the hunter- especially if it meant Liam was safer.

"Come on little wolf," Theo said lifting Liam up with ease, immediately hearing the pained noise that escaped the betas lips. "I'm sorry but it's going to hurt until we get you to Deaton's, you're stronger than you think." With that Theo was leading the way out of the zoo and back to his truck.

They thankfully made it to his truck without being caught or attacked, once instead Liam's whimpering had increased. "Fuck," he winced lifting his shirt to get a better look at his wound. Black lines overtook the blood, and he could see them racing up his chest towards his heart, "that's not great," Liam huffed.

"We're not far," Theo said after a few minutes of driving trying to encourage Liam to hold on as best he could. "Just a little longer Liam," he said tightening his grip on the steering wheel. He had to focus, he had to be stronger for Liam's sake- this was for Liam.

"You're going to be okay," Theo repeated, more for himself than for Liam at this point but he couldn't stand the sight of the beta so weak and drowsy. "Liam, you with me?" he asked when he saw the beta's eyes shutting, "Liam!" he snapped forcing the beta to sit up.

"Fuck," Liam winced, the pain shotting throughout his body as he made eye contact with Theo "I'm here, stop-" Liam said, his body and mind exhausted as he laid back against the seat not daring to close his eyes at risk of Theo shouting at him again.

"Don't die on me," Theo said in an annoyed tone despite how caring he was actually being, he was masking it with anger and fear. They finally arrived at Deaton's and Theo got out of his truck and went to Liam's side, opening the door and helping the beta out.

"He's not here," Liam groaned after not hearing a heartbeat from inside. "It's fine," Liam said wanting nothing more than to just sit down, his body was growing weaker by the second. "I just want to sit do-" He said but Theo wouldn't let him, instead he led him into the building despite Deaton's absence.

Once inside Theo placed his hands on Liam's waist and gently hoisted him up onto the bench "lay down," he soothed, knowing this wasn't going to be fun for either of them. Liam reluctantly laid down knowing what was coming, he could handle it at 15 - he could handle it now.

Except when Deaton had done it to him before he was able to pass out from the pain given his exhaustion in the well, he wasn't so sure he would be able to this time. He saw Theo rummaging through the draws until he found what he was looking for, "got it."

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath," Theo said approaching Liam with the blow torch, the betas heart dropped knowing the pain he was about to experience. "I can- I could knock you out?" Theo suggested, sensing the betas fear.

Liam would be lying if he said he didn't contemplate the offer, but he decided to try his best to breath through it- or scream. "Just do it," he said gripping the bench, his vice like grip surely dinting the metal.

Theo hesitantly lifted Liam's shirt, raising it high enough that he could get a full inspection of the wound. He turned the torch on and took a deep breath, as soon as the flames met Liam's skin he let out a fierce scream.

"I'm sorry," Theo winced hating the sight of Liam in so much pain, "almost done-" he said seeing the lines begin to disperse from the betas pale body, "there." Theo let out a huff as he turned off the torch, placing it back where he found it.

Turning he saw Liam with a dazed expression, he was barely vacant. His body presumably had gone into shock despite the ability to heal, "you're okay," Theo soothed, rubbing the betas arm to try and ground him.

"I won't let anything happen to you.... I promise." Theo vowed, not letting Liam go through this again. He refused to let the beta he put in such a position, one he didn't deserve. Never again would that happen, no way.

A/N: This was sadly the last one shot in this series!! Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone who read/voted/commented!!

Announcement: I will have the first chapter of my puppy pack X zombie X au fic out on the 20th of November so keep an eye out for that!!!

Published: 17th November 2023
Word count: 1329

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