Day 3: Episode Re-Write

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A/N: swearing, fighting & anxiety

Re write of episode 6x09

A/N: I usually write in Liam's perspective but I wanted to try Theo's so I apologise in advance if this sucks! 

Liam followed behind Sherriff Stilinski, "Look, I'm not saying you have to like him. I'm just saying... maybe he can help us," Liam said in a suggestive tone earning a side glance from Noah.

"Liam, I'll consider asking Theo for help when I don't have a station full of armed deputies to back me up," Noah said before grabbing the speaker on a deputy's desk, "Any available units-- this is Sheriff Stilinski, do you copy?" Noah sighed, "I repeat-- any and all units, this is Sheriff Stilinski. Respond immediately with your twenty." Noah demanded.

"They're gone," Liam said before Noah could try again.

"That-that's not possible. That's-they couldn't have taken everyone" Noah said with an exasperated sigh.

"They didn't" a voice perked up. Liam looked to the side to see Theo still alive in his cell, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

As they approached the chimera Liam could tell he was afraid, "Please, please tell me that you brought the key card." Theo said eyeing the pair.

"I also brought my gun," Noah replied, glaring at Theo,

"And your sense of humour. That is great. But, if we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills, then we need each other. Which means you need me out of this cell-" Theo retorted.

"We need to trust you," Liam interrupted,

"Then you need to get realistic, because trust is not important right now. It is us against them, and you want a lot more of us, considering how many of them there are," Theo replied, the beta sighed at his words,

"I hate to say he's right, but... he's kind of right-" Liam stated.

"If I let you out, and I see any behaviour that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head, God won't even recognize you," Noah threatened, even taking Liam back with his words.

Only for the chimera to smirk in response as he took a step closer, "I'm an atheist. Fire at will" he said. Noah took a step closer with the key card in his hand, but he hesitated.

"You're gonna need to be a bit closer than that, Sheriff. Wave it over the card reader. Come on. Right here. Up and down. You can do it!" Theo said, his voice shaking as he spoke.

Liam could tell he was afraid, rightfully so. "Sheriff, we need him," Liam said knowing that Noah trusted him.

"Tell me something," Noah began, looking up to meet the eyes of a confused chimera.

"Tell you what? What are you talking about?"

"Tell me about my son. Tell me one thing about Stiles that you remember. Just one," Noah demanded.

"You swipe that key card, I'll tell you anything you want," Theo said eyes darting between Noah and the card reader. His eyes darting between it and the beta, silently praying Liam would take over.

"Sheriff! They are coming," Liam stated after hearing horses in the distance.

"One thing. Just one thing!" Noah shouted.

Theo's hands gripped the cold bars, knowing he wasn't getting out of this if he didn't do what Noah said, he watched as he began to walk away from the cell, "He was smart!" Theo yelled, once Noah was looking at him he continued, "Smart enough not to trust me." he said looking down.

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