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The next two days were spent getting ready to collect the Horcruxes. Mattheo was teaching Padma his mother's mannerisms, all the way down to the way she walked. "She's kind of walks with a stagger, but not like she's drunk. It's more of like she's a hungry model on a runway." He said, talking with his hands. Padma shook her head, not getting what he was saying at all. "That makes absolutely no sense." Mattheo began to imitate his mouther, walking down an imaginary runway. "See, makes perfect sense now, right?"

Theo and Olivia were preparing as well. He had apologized for the other day. Mattheo was right, he knew better than to control her. There was something inside him that was happy Mattheo didn't choose her to play his mother. That was be a riskier mission than the one the were about to embark on. At least he would be there and have a watch over her. "How about our hideout? The one under the stairs?" She suggested, taking notes on top of the bed. Theo shook his head, knowing it wasn't there. "I would have noticed a crown laying around there. I tore the place apart once looking for anything interesting."

Hogwarts was a large place. Even with the team they gathered together it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Theo knew what places to not check, and there was a lot of them. Almost every classroom was ransacked. The kitchens were a no-go as well. Dumbledore's office was the first to be destroyed. Theo told a story of how he watched the sorting hat get ripped to shreds by two of the death eaters who found it hilarious. This deeply saddened Olivia, who would say one of the best moments in her life was getting sorted into Gryffindor.

"What about the come-and-go room?" She suggested. Theo's ears perked up, remembering that when he was looking for the diadem for the dark lord, he had intentionally not looked there. One, he didn't want other death eaters to know about it, just in case. And two, he wanted to come back in case something happened, to see if there was anything important he could use for later in there. "There is a good possibility it's there. I mean, Draco put the vanishing cabinet there. Maybe whoever was trying to hide it knew it was the perfect place to hide things."

Thinking of the come and go room gave Olivia a flashback. She started thinking about the time Draco caught her snooping around the vanishing cabinet. Right before freezing her body and kissing her. She pressed the tips of her fingers to her lips, remembering how soft and gentle his were. She remembered the fear she felt, only this time a feeling of excitement crept up. Theo had caught her zoning out, placing his hand on hers. "Hey, you, ok?" She snapped out of it, shaking the thoughts out of her head before smiling. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry I was just thinking that if we don't find it in the come and go room, we could always ask Myrtle about it. She has been at Hogwarts a very long time. She might have heard a rumor about it or something."

Theo looked a little uneasy at the mention of Myrtle. "I don't know babe. Maybe we should just stick to the original plan. Myrtle wouldn't know anything about a crown." Olivia thought that was an odd thing to say. Myrtle had been there for as long as anyone could remember. She very well might know something. Sure, she was neurotic, but could certainly help. Myrtle once made her feel so much better about her situation. Any situation is better than being a ghost she supposed. She wondered how Zabini was, not thinking about him in a while. He was a pureblood, so he was most likely safe. She was also right in her assumptions of him not being a death eater. He was probably tucked away on his mother's property, lying low.

When it was finally time for both teams to leave, it was a little more nerve wracking than they had thought. The last few days they spent preparing seemed so carefree, now the realization that they might die looking for these things settled it. Especially for Mattheo and Padma. If they were caught, they would either be captured or worse, killed on the spot. The dark lord already expressed a dislike for his only son. Killing him would mean nothing. He was no different than anyone else in his eyes, just a traitor meant to be eliminated. He sat on the ground, picking at the grass around him as he thought about all the possibilities. He knew he might not return. If he died while destroying the horcruxes, than at least he would have died protecting the wizarding world. However, he couldn't perish without doing something he had been thinking about for quite awhile now.

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