CH 19

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Malfoy led her through the halls. This was not the Hogwarts she had made her home at for seven years. In just a month, the place had fallen to ruin. It was torn, burned, and falling apart at the foundation. The destruction seemed to not bother him one bit. The taller, stronger death eater pushed her through the halls when she tried to stall. They left through the main door, the entrance looking just as dilapidated as the inside of the building. Malfoy was once smiling at her in the dungeon, but now his face was much more serious. It was like he had flipped a switch. He was you-know-who's most loyal servant, and now he had to do his duty. He grabbed ahold of Olivia's arm and apparated along with the other death eater.

They arrived in front of a large extravagant manor. No, this was more than a manor. This was a palace. Snake statues carved of marble were standing outside of the entrance and mermaid fountains like the one found at Hogwarts were swirling around. The only sound that could be heard now was the splashing of the water. It was mid-day by the looks of it. It had been a long time since she had seen the sun. It burned her eyes and left her feeling a little disoriented.

Olivia had found it strange that they were able to apparate right on school grounds. Had they lifted the protection barrier that was placed around the school? She wouldn't be surprised. It was probably the first thing they did when Hogwarts was successfully taken over. Malfoy grabbed her by the shoulder making her face him. "I'm going to have to put you to sleep now." He said matter of factly.

Olivia shook her head, pulling her shoulder from his grasp. "Where are you taking me? What's going to happen to me Malfoy?" She tried to keep her heated anger to a simmer. He had warned her to watch her mouth earlier, and she decided to take his advice for the time being. She needed to figure out exactly where she was going first. Access her situation and make a plan to escape. She was no longer in the dungeon and she didn't have to think about anyone else but herself now.

"Don't worry, you will be safe as long as you follow the rules." He said before waving his wand over her face. She dropped instantly, falling into Draco's arms. When he said he was going to put her to sleep, he wasn't kidding. She was now off in a sweet dreamland.

Her dreams were sweet and kind at first. She was walking in a flowery meadow, watching Hippogriffs fly overhead. It was a warm summer day and she could feel the sun kiss her skin. She was free. There was no death, no sadness. Only her and nature. Without warning though, her dream turned sour. The sun was now gone. It was pitch black and she could only see her body. When she looked down at her feet, blood was coming up, soaking through her shoes. A menacing laugh could be heard throughout the darkness. It was getting louder. Coming for her.

She awoke with a startle, finding herself in yet another prison. There was only one cell and she seemed to be the only one in it. There was one window, the colors of the setting sun shining through it. She was laying on a simple mattress. A flannel blanket had been draped over her. The blanket was clean, but she was in the same dirty clothes she had came in with. Olivia sat up, rubbing her eyes before she realized she didn't have her glasses. Panic began to rise before she saw them neatly folded beside her. When she put her glasses on, she realized she was not alone in the room. Behind the bars sat Malfoy, now sitting on a crate with a tray of food beside him. His face was unreadable, it was like he was deep in thought. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Not really." She replied in the same tone, matching his energy. If she was going to get out of here unscathed she was going to have to play by his game. She would be good. For now. "I'm sorry, I tried to give you something good." He stated. She didn't know what he meant by that, but she would let it be for now. "Malfoy please. You must tell me what's going on. Where am I being placed?" She never thought she would be saying please to Draco Malfoy, but here she was. He was obviously her handler of some sort. Malfoy sighed. "You aren't exactly being placed. You have been called to task. The dark lord is going to ask something of you."

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now