CH 36

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The next day was awkward at best. Sure, they had been let into the elf camp, but that didn't mean they were welcomed. Especially by the elves that weren't born in the camp. They knew very well how humans treated elves when they were enslaved and didn't trust them one bit. The elves born here were more curious than anything, following Theo and Olivia around and watching as they brushed their teeth and picked up sticks for firewood. They were especially interested in the use of wands. Olivia was still getting used to Draco's wand, being very different from her own. She had used it once when she cured the dark lord from the eating curse, and it had cooperated with her then, but now it was stingy with it's magic. It was like it had known she had betrayed its master and it would only preform the simplest of tasks.

"I hate this damn thing!" She yelled, hitting the tip of Draco's wand against a tree as if to punish it. She was now wearing a frilly pink dress made of layers of tulle. She couldn't say no to the elves that made it for her, they had spent all morning designing it. Theo only laughed at her, sitting on a stump near the tree that was being assaulted. "We will find you a better one. Maybe Mattheo brought the one he stole for you? You can get it when we meet up with the order." He said, biting into a piece of toast with jam smothered on it.

Olivia shoved the wand in a large pocket in her dress, looking down at the silver silk shoes she had been given. Didn't Dorthey originally wear silver slippers in the Wizard of Oz books instead of ruby ones? She certainly felt like Dorthey right now, hanging around a bunch of munchkins. The thought of meeting up with the order excited her, but the truth was they had no idea where their headquarters were. Hopefully Mattheo had found them, but he had no communication with them. They had asked around all morning, even going up to the elder elf who seemed to be the man in charge. He only shrugged them off, telling them to relax and recuperate for the day.

How could they just relax?! They were wasting precious time! The longer they waited, the more time the dark lord had to find the order himself and obliterate them. After the order was demolished, his next plan would come into action, complete enslavement of all muggles. They couldn't let that happen under any circumstances. Theo on the other hand did seem more relaxed, eating the rest of his late breakfast while wearing an old-timey three-piece suit. If he wasn't a man of six foot three, he would blend in perfectly with the other male elves. She had to admit to herself that he did look quite dashing, much different than the sweaters and button ups she was used to him wearing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a harsh cramping in her lower belly along with some pressure. Her eyes widened as she rushed back to the tent, leaving Theo a bit confused. He stood from his stump and followed her inside, wondering if she was ok. She rushed into the small bathroom, pulling her dress up and sitting on the toilet. She looked down at her underwear, noticing she had bled a little on them. A shrill voice echoed in her ear, a ghostly one. "You bled through your skirt! How embarrassing!" Moaning Myrtle would say over and over. Even though she forgave Myrtle since then, she still held some trauma from the experience.

Even so, she was very much relieved to see the blood. That meant Draco Malfoy's attempt to get her pregnant was futile. Now she was in a clearer headspace, she was a little flabbergasted he would go to such great lengths to keep her around. She was glad she didn't have to go into detail when telling Theo what had happened. She thought about Malfoy must look like now half of his face was burned. Did he look like a monster? Was he truly as ugly on the outside as on the inside as Theo put it? A pain in her chest joined the pain in her abdomen. Part of her hoped Malfoy would be ok. It would seem the feelings she had for him didn't dissipate completely like she had thought because she still felt bad for him.

Theo's voice could be heard behind the door. "Hey, you ok in there?" He asked, a twinge of worry in his voice. "Yea, I'm fine. I just started my monthly. Can you find something for me?" She asked, knowing it would be a big ask. All the color drained from his face. "Something? Like what?" Olivia rolled her eyes, leaning her forearms on her knees. She felt like a giant cupcake with the fluffy dress pulled around her torso. "Like a pad or a tampon. I'm going to need a few." Theo gulped, his eyes wide. "Ok." Was all he said, leaving the tent.

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now