The Price of Power

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(The Next day)

(Jaune pov)

I woke up with a yawn and rubbed the sleep from my eye's, And i was surprised to find that i was alone in bed. After the pervious nights events's i fully expected Pyrrha to still be here but i just shrugged and got some boxers on, I then went to shower and after i was done i went back to the team dorm and noticed Nora along with Ren were gone probably to get breakfast and Pyrrha was standing there in my old hoody drying her hair with a towel.

That thing hadn't fit me in years but she did something amazing, She made it look sexy. "Morning sexy" I said as she turned she smiled and came over to kiss me while i stood in the door way, We were so lost in the kiss that i didn't realised that we had an audience.

(A/N Jaune is obviously much more bulky like in the bio chapter)

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(A/N Jaune is obviously much more bulky like in the bio chapter)

I heard a gasp and we turned to the side to see team RWBY staring at us, "Err morning guy's" I said a bit embarrassed as mostly my lovers didn't usually end up seeing others with me like this. Pyrrha and Blake were sharing a stare and Pyrrha had a smug little smile on her face but i wasn't sure why.

"I should get some clothes on" I said as i turned around but just as i did Ruby started stuggling with something then she began screaming with laughter. I turned back to her and she was falling on the floor holding her sides, Everyone else also had a smile too so i asked "Whats so funny ??" Ruby was dying but finally managed to get up off the floor with help from Yang.

"What are those ??" She asked pointing to my boxers. "They're my boxers ?" I told her confused by the question. She just giggled behind her hand before saying "There's a cute little bunny on the back !!!" I realised what she meant as there was the same picture from my hoody on the ass of my boxers. "Yeah it's Pumpkin Pete !!" She laughed harder "What did you do ??, Where did you get them ??" She asked clearly amused by the boxers.

"I got them in Vale, They're my favorite pair !!" Ruby just fell down again and started to convulse in another fit of laughter. I looked to the others but the moment had clearly passed as Yang picked up her sister and put her on her shoulder while walking off to get breakfast, Blake followed her but not before shooting a glare at Pyrrha and Weiss with a red face just cleared her throat and squeaked out a good morning before walking away with her team.


I was sitting with my team in Masters class and i was listening to one of his stories with great interest, I looked to my left and saw Weiss staring at the clock so i scooted over and whispered in her ear "Why are you in a hurry ? Got a date or something ?" She blushed as the bell rang and said no while gathering her belongings "Well students i'm afraid the thrilling conclusion will have to wait for next time" This caught my attention "Oh come on Master please ??" He just approached and patted my shoulder "Patience my student it will be worth it" He said with a sparkling Aura around him. "Yes Master whatever you say" I replied in awe as i watched him leave the room.

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