Colton grunts with a sneer on his face. "It was, but Law is being a little bitch about it," he snarls at his first.

"Watch your tone with us, Bennett. We had to stop what we were doing to come here. I almost wish you were dying or have been kidnapped compared to this," I said deadpan, though I was extremely livid at the moment.

"You four need to get your shit together. You guys are running so hot and cold it's giving us all whiplash," Natalie snaps with her hands on her hips.

She already has a mom's voice. That's a terrifying thought.

"If you don't. We will do it for you," Jaxson sing-songs that threat. He circles them. A predator out for blood.

I glance at Tee, communicating to him with my eyebrows. He nods, then cuffs Jax around the back of the neck. Turning him away and leading him into the club with one hand.

"Don't make me sic Jaxson on you guys." I spread my arms looking around. "Who started this, and why?" I demand.

"Fucking Law with all his bitching," Colton growls.

"I won't warn you again about your tone. You're on very thin ice as it is, Bennet," I advise while giving him an icy stare.

"Keep it up and I'll stab you, Colti," Natalie says in a saccharine voice, then gives him a mean grin.

That's not good for his health, she will do it too. Then I'll patch him up with nothing to numb the pain.

He blanches at her words of warning. Good for him. Colton says something, but Lawson cuts him off.

"I miss Tabby and I'm miserable. We've been friends since we were kids. I betrayed her and I feel like shit for it," Lawson says in a quiet voice laced with sorrow.

I feel for him but bless his heart. If you aren't familiar with that phrase, it means he is too stupid to live. 'Bless your heart' is not an endearment, it's back backhanded insult of the Southern variety.

"Your elevators don't go all the way to the top floors, but you four are lucky we adore you, anyway." They all four flinch at my words.

Yep, another Southern insult. I'm on a roll tonight.

"You four were warned taking this path would not be easy. You are this close to being replaced." With my fingers, I show them how narrowly close they are. "Get it together."

Natalie and I share a look. "You boys are grounded until we all leave for Cutter U in August," Natalie says. "Before you all claim you are now adult men, let me remind you are acting like children."

Natalie points a finger at Colton. "Law betrayed the woman he cares the most about for you and the crew, Colt. Keep that in mind when you fight him for voicing his feelings. He is entitled to his emotions just as much as you are. That anger you feel isn't toward Law, but yourself. Stop taking it out on him and the other two." She turns away from them, heading into the club.

I can smell the alcohol on them as well as the weed. I guarantee they all cross-faded. "Law and Erik, go get in Tee's truck. Colt and Q, you two go get in Callum's car." Keeping Lawson and Colton from each other might be for the best for now.

Callum shoves them all to get them moving. He shakes his head as he passes me, ushering them to the parking lot with Dominic in tow.

I sigh. I know, Cal, they made a horrible mistake that's going to bleed the four of them out.

I walk inside the club to find Jaxson and Natalie dancing on the bar top coyote ugly style to Bite Your Kiss by Diamante. They choreograph well together as they mimic each other move for move. In the chorus, they alternate biting each other's lips, then pulling away to kick things over the molding together so that they squat low together. They never take their hands off one another as they come back up to bite each other. It's racy as hell, so I let them finish the song. I had to adjust myself several times.

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