prolouge: the runaway princess

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In a dark forest with only a few strands of sunlight, the only sound in the place was the sound of a young girl only 12 years old running and 3 lions chasing after her. Her clothes and current situation were two opposite things, by her clothes and Jewellery she seemed to be a princess but her current situation made it seem like she was a runaway princess.

She was tired, dying for water,
her feet completely swollen with lots of cuts and mud, her throat parched, cuts and brushes on her body showing her struggle in the past few days, her clothes stone and her hair completely Messy, filled with twigs and small branches, she had a major wound on her shoulder which was completely purple blue making it seem that it was broken
But she still kept running for her life, finally days of exhaustion caught up with her as she fell to the ground.
And the lions started circling her like they circled their prey, she knew her death was near, and there was only one name on her lips, "NARAYAN"

One lion jumped at her, but before it could reach her she fainted due to fear.
Suddenly the lion was pushed away from her and the lions ran away scared for their lives. A person gently picked her up in his arms bridal style and carried her to his village, Vrindavan.

Sahdharmini-Dwarkeshwari HiranmayiWhere stories live. Discover now