Now he was squishing between mortal crowds, disguised as one and trying to figure out how anyone managed to work the bus system. "Do we wanna get off at... station 4? Or 5?" he frowned at the map that showed the routes, only able to make out the numbers instead of the names of streets.

Puzzled, he much preferred to walk than take the mortal's giant metal contraptions. Like weird clunky caterpillars.

"You know, Star. Things weren't always as loud as they are now." he shakes his head, pushing the stroller. His cub cooed inquisitively. "Really. Back less than 100 years ago humans hardly had cars and tv- you don't know what tv is but I remember Mihou once telling me it "rots the brain" so we are gonna hold off on you watching that until I can prove it real or fake." he says quickly, peering over the side of the stroller to give his infant a serious look. Tease or truth- Mihou always made it hard to tell.

"Anyway, yeah. Things really have changed. The buildings just grow taller and taller, clothes are super weird and very inefficient now. All denim. You don't know what denim is either, but it's what my jeans are made of right now." he shakes his head. "Arcades, malls, Food delivery services- those are pretty nice, I like those." he rubbed his chin. "Food is something I don't think can ever change that much? Why fix what isn't broken, ya know?" he mused to himself, chatting away as he strolled down the street. Whether his child was actually listening or not, he had no idea.

He chuckled, drawn to thoughts of old. He was far more nostalgic in his older age. He never often cared for what his past was yet now it seemed to be all consuming. He blamed his Master for such sentimentality.

"The past is an important stepping stone to the future."

Wukong frowned, pout heavy as he floated beside his Master, listening to his ramblings with disdain. It had been a rather uneventful day. Downright boring. "I prefer the now," he mumbled. "But if some demon could attack us soon, that would be great."

The Great Monk side eyed him. "Nothing is wrong with valuing the present.... Or it's peace." he gave a quiet nod of his head. "Though, I do hope you value the other two as well in time."

"Why would I?"

"The past is what makes you who you are now. The future is what you wish to be later." seated on the White Horse Dragon, Ao Lie, the stretch of land before them was vast. The unknown was calling to them, guiding them West to new and exciting adventures.

"Sounds dumb." Wukong grumbled. Ao Lie gave a tut of disagreement, his horse tail whacking Wukong a tad on the back of the head.

"Hey!' Wukong huffed, shifting his cloud forward a little more to avoid him. "Master, Ao Lie just hit me...!"

In response the dragon, now horse, gave an innocent bat of his eyelashes. The Monk looked between the two, having not seen the interaction. "Now now, no fighting." he put his hand between the two when glares sparked. "We are allies now. Surely both of you can find some common ground...?" The Monk smiled. At this point they were just a company of three, but it wouldn't be long before their final two friends joined their journey.

"With a Dragon? Who isn't even a Dragon right now?" Wukong snorted, smirking at the annoyed Ao Lie. "Not likely." The only friends he needed were his Brothers and his Mate, both who he hadn't gotten to see in so long. After his defeat with the Jade Emperor he had been rather... forced, on this journey. Once it was done however he could return to find Mihou and Azure. He was positive they were fine and that Azure would ensure Mihou's safety but-

Well, he tried not to think about it. Tried not to worry about his mate and his little stone back home... At this point in time, even if Wukong himself didn't realize it, it wouldn't be long before Mihou tracked him down.

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