Start from the beginning

Silas watches closely as Nedial goes through the pages, a sigh escaping his lips as his frown deepens.

Cassiel too, watches Nedial's countenance, suddenly realizing something.

"You knew," he says, standing up from the table as he stalks towards Nedial.

"You knew that Princess Lola was not a murder."

Cassiel grabs Nedial by his throat, slamming him against the door.

"Commander enough!" Silas says, causing him to immediately let go of the bald wearh, allowing him to fall to the floor.

"The lengths you all will go to stay in power disgusts me," he says, before taking the book and walking out of the room.

Silas stands up, his eyes on Nedial who is trying to gather himself after he was almost choked to death.

"Go back to the castle and tell your king that the only way to stop this is for him to step down."

Without waiting for a response, he exits the room.


Oleander barges into his chambers only to find Eugene gone. The wearh is already on the verge of madness, and Eugene's absence is not helping matters at all.


The guards come rushing in upon hearing the king's roar.

"Your Majesty!"

"Where is Eugene?"

The two wearhs look at each other as if urging the other to speak up first. They had no idea Eugene left the chambers.

"Y-Your M-majesty we've been guarding this room since you left and she never walked -ah!"

Oleander punches his hand through the armor and into his chest, ripping out his heart, and dropping it to the floor.

The wearh's eyes are wide as he looks down at his chest, coughing up blood and falling to the floor.

The second weah kneels to the floor immediately, "S-spare me, Y-Your Majesty. I will find her."

Oleander marches out of his chambers, his voice bellowing and alerting the wearhs stationed in the castle.


The wearhs move immediately, as Oleander makes his way back down the stairs.

Advisor Nedial had come back earlier from General Silas' residence only to bring bad news to him. That general dares to side with the wearh he branded as a traitor? He dares to refuse Bethillore of protection? Once all this is over, he will certainly have his head.

That is even if he will make it out of this situation. It seems everything is crumbling. No plan thus far has worked, and he is all out of options, The elves and humans are occupying his kingdom, and he has no idea what to do. This feeling of helplessness has triggered something in him. Something he tried to suppress for a long period of time.

It seems Oleander is going mad.

"Your Majesty, we've found her!" Oleander snaps his head towards the wearhs who are dragging in a struggling Eugene.

"Unhand me! Unhand me you idiots!" she screams.

"Take her up to my chambers"

"No! No! I'd rather die!" she shrieks as they drag her up to his chambers.

"Your Majesty, she was found in the forest at the back of the castle. It seems she climbed out your window."

Oleander smirks, walking up to his chambers to see Eugene on the floor, with wearhs occupying the room.

"Leave us," he says as he walks up to her, the wearhs doing as instructed.

"No!" Eugene stands attempting to follow them but he grabs her arms pulling her back, the door slamming behind them.

"Unhand me you crazy man!"

"You're right, I am going crazy and it's all your fault."

The wearh pulls her against him, smashing his lips against hers, taking her by surprise. She pushes him off her, slapping his cheek hard.

The woman shocks herself with this action. Is she crazy? She dared lay her hands on the King of Bethillore?

Eugene takes a step back, as she watches Oleander process what just happened. The king looks up at her, a smirk on his lips.

"You're a mad man," she says, panting.

"You drove me mad," he replies walking to her, the woman taking steps back until her back touches the wall.

She's trapped...

"No, you drove yourself mad. This is all happening because of what you did to Princess Lola-"

"Shut up," he growls but Eugene doesn't comply

"And Lady Selene."

"I said shut up!" he slams his hand on the wall, punching a hole in it. The woman's heart skips, as it begins slamming itself against her chest. She looks down at his hand, only to see it's bloodied.

"You killed someone."

"A guard for letting you slip through his hands. It was in this room...they cleaned up fast."

Eugene is horrified, "Then kill me! You were able to easily kill other women in your life, and quickly took the life of a guard when it was not his fault. So kill me! They didn't want to die, but I do! I was the one who tried to escape!"

Oleander watches her closely. Her plump figure and short hair caught his attention first, then her eyes and full lips. Now those gorgeous eyes, filled with tears, are begging him to take her life. He places his hands around her waist, pressing her soft body against his. His eyes widen in shock as he takes a step back to look at her, crying.





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