Part One: Conversation Damnation

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     Utonium wakes up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Feeling the little bits of sleep sand remind him of the time his girls defeated The Sandman (S2E5B). When he sees a bug on the floor, he thinks of the time the girls were trying to stop millions of roaches from over taking the city (S1E2A). Everything makes him think of his girls.
    They are his entire world. His everything! He likes to think he is a good father. He makes them pancakes in their favorite shapes, fashioned them their inventions, and gives them all love and attention, both collectively and individually.
He got through his morning routine: showering, brushing his teeth, doing his hair, and getting dressed. He'd always found these parts of his day so dull and boring he'd typically slump along, sadly completing each task (S1E1B). But since Utonium had started seeing Him, he's been a lot happier. He didn't drag his feet or slump at all!

He finishes his routine by making his girls breakfast. He makes each girl a pancake in a different shape. For Blossom, he makes a flower. For Bubbles, he makes a heart. Last, but certainly not least, he makes an explosion, for Buttercup. He sits down with his girls. Even while trying to work through his personal problems, he has to be present with his daughters.
"So girls, what does the schedule look like today?" He asks, excited to hear their plans for the day. "Well, we have school in the park with Ms. Keane today," Blossom starts. "Then we have town construction until the morning," Bubbles finishes. "And we'll kick the butts of anyone who gets in our way." Buttercup adds. "And what about you, Professor?" Blossom asks, taking a sip of orange juice. "Oh, well, I'm still working on that rubble-clearing device. There's just a few kinks in it I just can't quite work out." Bubbles looks excited, "Ohh! I can't wait! It's gonna be such a cool invention, Professor." She squeaks. Buttercup, not as impressed, asks, "Yeah, well I don't see the point. Why can't it have a rubble-vaporizing laser?" Utonium laughs, "I'd run into a lot more problems that way, Buttercup. Besides, lasers are terribly dangerous weapons, it could mean bad things for anyone caught in the crossfire." Buttercup rolls her eyes, "Okay."
    When the girls leave for school, Utonium can't help but feel a little empty. However, rather than call Him over, he decides to get back to his inventions. He was making a rubble remover for Bubbles, a paper-thin plan organizer for Blossom, and a modified nail gun for Buttercup. The nail gun was finished, Utonium just wanted to give the things to his daughters simultaneously, so they wouldn't feel left out. He puts the dishes in his sink and walks down to his lab.

    He works for hours, writing equations and solutions on his board. Eventually, he hits a wall. Knowing he'll be able to think clearer tomorrow, he decides to start working on solutions to... personal issues.
     Utonium flips his whiteboard so he can use the back to write out fixes to his issues with him. He writes out everything in small text. "Ugh, god. I don't know what to do! I could preface the conversation with a date. No, that'd be pretty awkward, wouldn't it? Maybe a dinner?" After a few more seconds of pondering, Professor says to himself, "Well. I guess. I should figure out what to say to him before I think about how to say it."

He starts to write it out, thinking about it scientifically. The scientific method says he should first have a question. Then research the topic idea. After that, form a hypothesis. Next would be testing with an experiment. Which would be proceeded with analyzing the data. Then, he can finally yield results.
His question. What should he say to Him?
His topic idea. Should he first bring up his concerns with Him's interest in him? Is Him only dating Utonium so he can get to his daughters? If not, where is this relationship going? Are they just secret enemies with benefits or are they going to consider giving their affections for one another an actual title? There were also questions about whether or not he should come out to the girls or the town. He also wondered if his dates with Him made him a bad Dad, but those were more personal. Not really questions for Him to answer.
His hypothesis. It may be best to ask Him what he's looking for in a partner first. What kind of relationship is Him trying to pursue? When Utonium has that information, he can ask why Him wants that. Is it just a trap for the PowerPuffs?
His test. He decided it'd be best to meet Him at the Otto Time Diner. He was often there because of issues he had with its reconstruction. So, Utonium could invite Him over and cook him dinner or lunch.

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