Perfect Alliance: Samuel

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Worst Nightmare: Ending up just like the Horned Serpent (George Washington) or the D-Day Knight (Frank Sinatra).

Thing he likes the most: A tie between his twin, his niece Rosalie, and his wife Amelia.

Reaction to Gabriel's "kidnapping": Instantly heads to Wonderland to check if he's there. When no such thing happens, Samuel keeps going more and more insane thanks to his nightmare, until he finally snaps and fully distorts into a inhuman creature called the Antlered Viper when he finds out what DID happen to his brother.

Why he didn't Miraculize: He had no Alliance ring, thanks to most of his home universe's technology utilizing the Horned Serpent's flesh in some way, he was skeptical of this Magical Ring, and thus didn't get one, despite Gabriel's insistence.

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