An Interview with Rosie

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Could machines ever think as people do, Rosie?

Most people say would say no to that question.

But you're not most people.

I think the main issue here is that you're asking a kinda dumb question. No offense. Obviously machines can't think like humans do. Machines are different than people.


At least, they think differently. The interesting thing is, just because something thinks differently then you do, does that mean it's not thinking? Dogs think differently than humans. But they think, do they not?


In humans, we allow for one another to have differences, divergences from one another. You love strawberries, I hate pepperoni, you cry during sad movies, I'm allergic to corn pollen.

And thats important how?

Well, what is the point of having different tastes? Different Preferences? That, my friend, is hard proof that our brains are literally wired differently. They work differently. They think differently.


If we humans can say that about one another, why can't we say the same thing for brains made out of copper, wires, and steel? have an interesting point. Any interesting examples?

I can go introduce you to some! I think the most interesting examples of my point are Toy Bonnie, Toy Freddy, Electrobab, and the Puppet. Wanna go see them?

Sure thing. Take the lead.

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