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So, in Pikmin 4, if you go around the camp as Oatchi and talk to people, you'll get unique dialogs from everyone.

Here's dialogs for some of my characters if Oatchi talked to them!

"Oatchi, y'know....at first I was scared. Scared of your buddy, y'know? I ad no clue where I was, or who they were! But as soon as I saw you, I know I could trust them. Anyone who loves dogs is a friend of mine. I'm suprjsed I even was conscious enough to reconize a dog by the the time you found me...."

"Heh....it's a shame I can't feel your fur through this spacesuit. I would spend all day petting you otherwise! You'd get nothing done!"


"......maybe I could make an ice skating class for dogs."

".....you remind me of Mocha."

"Are you being a good dog, Oatchi? Bein' a good boy?"

"You're always such a pretty boy, Oatchi. All the girl dogs must want some of you!"


[Heh, did you save my sister? Good. I know I can trust you. I love a good dog.]

[Oatchi, I'm glad you were able to calm my sister down. It's a shame I wasn't there for her, though....]


"Nice doggy.....nice doggy.....don't chase the kitty around....!"

"Be nice to the kitty, Oatchi....be nice to the kitty...."


".....h-h-hi Oatchi.....you always make me feel better....like how I make you feel better..."

".........y-y-youre such a good boy......Oatchi....I-i love you...."

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