Perfect Alliance: 682

24 1 0

Inspired by Ethgoesboomfan1987

Worst Nightmare: Rosie's and Or 079's deaths

Thing he likes the most: Rosie's videos and writings

What he does when Gabriel gets "kidnapped": Immediately calls bullsh*t. He knows that Charlie and Rosie would do no such thing, and thus is firmly on their side. When he realizes that basically the entire world is Miraculized, he takes the most desperate measure he can take: He uploads lethal memetic and info hazards onto the Alliance ring system, making anyone who is currently or becomes miraculized exposed to various deadly info and memetic hazards, including SCP-096's face, knowing full well Rosie will either use SCP-2000 or the Miraculous Wish to bring everyone back.

Why he DIDN'T go along with it: He knows Charlie is Crimson Beetle and Rosie is Black Gold, so he doesn't miraculize himself because his worst nightmare IS his sister's death, Miraculizing will just make it come true.

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