Gay Dark Deception Headcanons

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So basically it ain't about the monsters, Bierce and Malak it's more so about how the monsters Bierce, and Malak react to a LGBTQIA+ Mortal

-First of all, you sure as hell ain't getting misgendered on purpose

-Secondly, they will poke fun at your identity, but in a more so 'haha funny pun/joke' than in an offensive way

-The Reaper Nurses have some weird reactions to different gender identities. If you're feminine leaning, they treat you as they would a woman. If you're masculine leaning, they treat you as they would a man. If you're neither, they treat you with indifference. You're not a man, so they don't hate you, but you're not a woman, so they don't like you either.

-If you're Aspec, expect Hangry to jokingly offer you garlic bread and Taffy to jokingly offer you cake.

-All the monsters, Bierce and Malak will gladly use Neopronouns if you use them. Some monsters, like Hangry and Agatha, may struggle to remember what exactly what your neopronouns are, so they may have to be reminded.

-If you are misgendered, they will immediately correct their error. Cobalt, Hangry, Echo, and Bierce typically never get genders wrong.

-To add on to the last point, if you are dead named, expect every one near by to immediately correct whoever dead named you. Yes, even the monsters correctly Malak. He explicitly told them they could correct him.

-If you're Aspec, by the time you show up to the Torment Therapy, you ain't gonna see any dancing nurses, they assume it won't work on you.

-The Joy Joy Gang would make a point out of accepting you, as they know that being *insert your identity here*phobic makes people sad, and they just want to bring joy.

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