I was humming to myself and soon we reached our destination.

"We're here." He smiled, getting out. I smiled back and got out as well, looking around to find us in the woods.

"Are we here?" I asked vaguely, looking around.

"Not yet, I want us to walk together." He smiled, taking my hand as we walked.

"You know what Zaniel?" I called him as we walked but I almost slipped.

"Careful." He helped me from the irregular path, holding my waist.

"What is it, love?" He asked, still holding my waist as I was too close to him to feel his breaths hitting my skin.

"I am in debt with the fate which brought me to you." I whispered, not parting my eyes from his beautiful ones, getting lost in him.

I felt blessed, I felt jovial, I loved my life.

"Me too." He whispered back, kissing my forehead, flashing his heartwarming grin.

"Come on, we are almost there." He grinned as we continued our walk.

We reached a neatly trimmed glass nearby a river, there was no sign of a living being anywhere around. The lull brought a smile to my lips.

Rushing the tranquil in my core. Hugging my side, I breathed out, "It's so peaceful."

He laughed on my neck, hugging me from behind.

"Isn't it? Just like our future. Beautiful, peaceful, isn't it?" He murmured, wrapping his arms securely around me.

Giggling, I rested my head back, to drown utterly in his warmth and neglect my world to exist in his.

"But, my love, it's not what I wanted to show you." He said, turning me to him, "Then what?" I asked, arching a brow, smirking.

"Wait till sunset." He whispered, we pulled away, sat on the grass, talking with each other, laughing.

"You know I love you so much to the extent-" He stopped, tracing his finger, bringing them down to my lips.

"-I have become crazy for you."

"Be all crazy you want, I am all yours." I smiled, putting my hand over his, my smile converted into a smirk.

"Just like you are mine."

"That's right..."

His voice came out husky, leaning closer to my lips. His thumb was replaced by his lips.

"All yours."

He hummed before attaching his lips with mine, moving my lips in accordance with his, my feral desires found redemption in his shade.

We kissed for a while at sunset, loving the memory where I was lost in him. Smiling, we both pulled away. I kept holding his shirt.

"That's what I wanted you to see. It glows."

His lips curled into a smirk, turning my face towards the river which was now glistening with different shades of blue.

My eyes widened in awe, enthralled by the mesmerizing sight, I got up, watching how appealing it was.

"It's amazing!" I breathed out, putting my hand over my chest, grinning, believing I was in a fantasy world, in a happily ever after.


I turned to Zaniel, he held my hand, locking his burning orbs into mine.

"Zaniel." I whispered his name, lost in my overflowing feelings for him..

"I know you ask for time but I don't think I could stay away from you any longer." He began to say after a deep breath.

"You can do whatever you want, I won't stop you. But right now, I want you to be all mine." He moved closer, resting his forehead against mine. I grinned, closing my eyes to place all my attention to his beautiful words.

"My Parents are coming back with my other family members. At the time they are staying with us and I want to tell everyone that I have waited enough and want us to get married."

Gasping slightly at his words, my eyes widened in disbelief, he brought my hands closer to his lips, kissing them lovingly.

"Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me, Cinzel?" Zaniel asked, tightening his grip on my hands.

Tearing up at his gratifying statement which served as a watermark of solace on my fairytale. I couldn't help but to give him a nod of approval, hugging him, beaming with extreme rejoice fluttering inside.

"Oh my God! Yes, Yes. Of course!"

...And I was oblivious of the fact my despair originated from this moment...

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