twenty three.

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two hours later

laina laid, curled up on the bed, staring at the ceiling, counting the tiles. the tv played quietly in the background. nothing was streaming that peaked her interest. the girl was bored out of her mind, overthinking. the house was so quiet without victoria.

it was crazy to think she had all the freedom in the world just this morning and now she laid in bed, locked up like a prisoner. under levi's rule once again.

she felt more alone then ever, it was truly just him around her now. she was going to be forced to talk to him, to get on his good side if she wanted any form of human interaction. god knows when he'd let her interact with anyone else.

right before she was about to shut her eyes for a nap, she heard the car pull up and levi open the front door.

"i'm home", he called out. laina rolled her eyes, burying her head under the pillow. soon enough, levi entered the room.

"i have a present for you", he told her. laina uncovered her head, glaring at him, her interest was peaked.

"what is it?", laina asked quietly, surprised he had gotten her a present after the events of the day. the man sat beside him, he took out a plush bear and some of her favorite candy.

"picked you up some little things while grocery shopping. thought of you.", the man said, watching as she opened the gifts.

"aww thanks. the bear is cute", laina stated, giving him a soft smile. though she was still angry at the situation. she held the stuffed animal close. it was quite comforting.

"of course. i'm glad you like it. i just want you to know even though we have had a terrible few days and you've tested my patience, i care very much for you. i want you to be comfortable here. i want things to work out for us.", he told her. the girl smiled. at least he was somewhat trying. he didn't expect any form of kindness from him after all this.

"i got you some pads too, i'll put them away in the bathroom cabinet", the man said.

"pads?", the girl questioned, confused on why he would pads without her asking specifically for them.

"i figured you were about to get your period, the last time you had it was a month ago. i thought that's how girls work?", he questioned. the girl's face lost all color. was her period late?

"what day is it?", the girl asked.

"september 12th, why?", he questioned.

"i- um i", the girl said, doing the math in her head, realizing her period was a few days late. this never happened to her before.

"what's wrong?", he asked her, sensing she was tense.

"it's late, my period is late..", the girl said, obviously panicked. the man stood there, frozen for a second before smiling. it was obvious he was thrilled at the idea of her possibly being pregnant. another way to mark his territory. tie her down to him.

"hey.. hey it's okay. this could be a really good thing for us if you are pregnant. a fresh start. us starting a family. you settling down. that doesn't sound so bad, does it?", the man asked. the girl looked at him like he was crazy. what was going through this man's head that equaled her running away from him to her wanting to start a family with him. he was insane. he had to be. she remembered his threats from earlier. she had to put on a happy face for him in order to get freedom.

"m-maybe it could be good", the girl lied, still slightly shaking in panic at the idea. it terrified her. carrying this man's baby. it was a further ball and chain to him. it would set her doomed fate in stone.

"it's okay, just sit tight, i'll grab a test. they are in the downstairs bathroom. drink some water if you don't have to pee", the man said, headed downstairs. the girl sat there impatiently, what was only 30 seconds felt like an eternity as the man retrieved the test. he soon came back up, test in hand. he handed it to her.

the girl got up, walking to the bathroom, the chain clanking behind her as she moved. the man followed closely behind, obviously about to follow her in. the girl turned around to face him for a second.

"could i have some privacy while i take this.. please?", the girl asked, her voice broken. she was already upset and she didn't need him looming over her and invading her personal space to add to the fire.

"alright. let me know as soon as the result shows up. i'll be right here.", the man said.

"thank you", laina replied, going into the bathroom shutting the door as far as the chain would allow before pulling her underwear down, sitting on the toilet. she peed on the test before placing it on the counter. the girl glared at the ground, waiting. afraid to look.

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