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a year previous

laina sat at the edge of the large oak dining table in her family's home. on her head, a tiara declared her the 'birthday princess.' dressed in her favorite black dress, her long blonde hair cascading in loose curls, and her makeup impeccably done.

as she prepared to blow out her candles, she gazed at the pink waxy numbers that spelled out '18' atop her cake. the background noise of party guests—mostly family members and her father's associates—singing happy birthday faded. however, the only thing on her mind was the recent conversation with her father.

for most girls, adulthood meant freedom, perhaps a new car or a shopping spree for an eighteenth birthday. yet, for her, the revelation from her father shattered such expectations—he had arranged her marriage to a complete stranger in just a month, leaving her with no say in the matter.

as the singing concluded, she silently wished in her head: 'i wish to be free' before extinguishing the candles. the room erupted in applause, and she forced a fake smile. her father clinked a glass and rose, capturing everyone's attention.

"a toast to my beautiful daughter. with the coming of womanhood, i am proud to announce she will wed this coming month. to a volkof. this union will bring peace between two families, and she bears a great sacrifice to this family," declared her father, nikolas. the room cheered, and glasses were raised. laina sat there silently, consumed by her own thoughts.

she detested how he casually used the word 'sacrifice,' as if she had willingly agreed to this arrangement.

determined, she had her mind made up—to escape and reclaim the life she felt robbed of, far away from here. she would make her wish come true. hot-headed as she was, she had yet to meet her match: levi volkof.

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