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                                                    Cast of Characters:

                                                   Lili ReinHart as Erin Collins.

                                                         Taylor Zakhar Perez as himself

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                                                         Taylor Zakhar Perez as himself

                                                         Taylor Zakhar Perez as himself

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                                                        Carlos PenaVega as Miguel Diaz

                                                        Carlos PenaVega as Miguel Diaz

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                                 The first chapter is down below. Read on. 

Erin Collins wasn't much for parties. Especially when she didn't know anyone there. She had asked her friend and roommate and best friend Miguel to come with her, but he had to work at night. Another late night meeting with his graph design team. At least at this job, he was getting paid. 

But this left her alone without her book agent either to help her out. So she was on her own tonight. She had spent a couple hours getting ready. The prettier she looked, the more likely she would get people to read and buy her book. With a nice blush, eye liner and mascara and purple eye shadow to bring out the blue in her eyes. Her blonde hair had been highlighted by lemon juice.

She went around the room talking to everyone she could, holding a glass of champagne and sipping it here and there. Trying not to ruin her lip stick.She gave some people her agent number to get the people free copies. She got hungry and saw sushi near by, took a plate and took a few pieces. 

A tall man near by came up to her. "Hi. You might not want to eat that after just having so much champagne." 

Erin looked up at him. He was tall, dark hair and eyes, very nice sculpted face. And he looked amazing in a suit. She never usually noticed someones looks, but she noticed him. In fact, she had been noticing him since she got here. "I've only had two glasses." She smirked, not that it was his business. 

The man took a plate for himself and took some after her. "Well whatever you're looking for, you won't find it here." He said and took his small plate of sushi and walked away. Erin managed to look at what he took and he took almost the same pieces as hers. Tuna and yellow tail. Ignoring the octopus and squid. She couldn't blame him though. They both weren't her favorites either. 

Erin went and sat down in a near by chair, she hated eating standing up or in the car. The man she had just been chatting with was looking at her in between chatting with a few party goers. They weren't as witty as the blonde before him. Seeing her by herself, he couldn't believe he left her alone. He hated it when people had to sit alone. But he didn't want to be rude and ditch the person who seemed polite and he carried on with the conversation. 

Erin finished her sushi and just sat there for a few more minutes drinking her champagne, bored out of her mind. She always told herself that only boring people get bored, but right now that's what she was. A boring person. So, she finished off her champagne, put the glass down on the table next to her chair and slowly began to walk out, pulling out her purse to call a Lyft. 

The man looked over to her as she was about to leave. He saw to walk to the door and closing it behind her. He excused himself from the people he was talking to and followed her outside and saw her standing by the steps. He smirked "I was right wasn't I?" 

Erin turned around to find it was the man she had spoken to briefly 10 minutes ago. "Yeah, you were right." She turned away from him to check on her ride. She felt him still standing there. "Is there anything else you want to gloat about?" 

"No. I just couldn't let you leave without introducing myself to you. I'm Taylor. Taylor Perez." He held out his hand. 

She took it. "Erin Collins." They shook hands. Damn he has a good hand shake. She thought. 

"Nice to meet you." He said feeling something in the hand shake. "Are you going home?" 

"Yeah. I'm waiting for my Lyft." She looks at her phone and sees the driver canceled on her. "Shit."

"What?" Asked Taylor.

"My driver just canceled on me. Like nope not another drunk girl." She point drunk girl in quotes.

"Oh, well. Maybe I could drive you? I mean it's getting late and Lyft drivers sometimes don't have a good rep with women and we wouldn't want anything to happen with you."

Erin shook her head. "I'll be fine. I'll call for another one." She gets annoyed that he app is down.

Taylor smirked. "Cmon. My car is around the corner. "

"How do I know you're not Ted Bundy?" 

Taylor laughed. "Only one way to find out. What do you say? Have I been wrong yet?"

Erin smiled. She had to hand it to him, he had riz and confidence. "Sure what the hell!"

She said and he walked them over to his car down the street and he unlocked it, opened the door for her.  She got in and he ran to the other side, closed the door and started up the car. Erin thought, the night was getting a bit better.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.-Dreamcast45

Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezWhere stories live. Discover now