Chapter 12: Through the Trapdoor

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Rhea and Hermione had no problems dealing with the exams, but what indeed became a problem for them was getting Harry through them. The boy was beyon paranoid as he expected Voldemort to come busting through the doors at any moment.

The days crept by and the weather grew hotter by the second, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. Hermione was right, they had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-cheating spell. The exams went smoothly; at least for Hermione and Rhea.

In charms, they were asked to make a pineapple tap-dance across the desk.

Rhea was improving in Transfiguration. So, when they were asked to turn a mouse into a snuffbox, she manage to do it on her first go. Rhea couldn't help but to jump happily in her place.

Potions was very awkard to say the least. Aside from Snape breathing down their necks in an attemp to make them nervous while they tried to remember the steps of the Forgetfulness potion, the thought of the Quartet's current suspicions of the Professor made it worse.

Rhea was well aware that Harry haven't been sleeping; not only the bags under his eyes rat him out, but Rhea herself had also trouble sleeping since their encounter with that wretched beast in the Forest. Though, Ron and Hermione thought that they were just nervous about the exams, the reality was different.

 Though, Ron and Hermione thought that they were just nervous about the exams, the reality was different

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Rhea was able to take her mind off of the Stone, but Harry was not.

Their last exam was History of magic. It wasn't Rhea's favorite subject, but thanks to Hermione she was good at it. Finally, the one hour ended and the exams with it. Now they only had to wait for their results.

"That was far easier then I thought it would be," said Hermione as they joined the crowds flocking out onto the sunny grounds.

"Indeed, there wasn't need to learned about the 1637 werewolf Code of Conduct or the uprising of Elfic the Eager." Rhea groaned, gaining a jab from Hermione and a chuckle from the boys.

Hermione always liked to go through their exam paper afterwards, and even though Rhea usually didn't mind this at all, for the first time she agreed with Ron as he said this made him feel ill. So the four of them wandered down to the lake and flopped under a tree. Rhea resting her head on Hermione's lap while the girl played with the curly locks of Rhea. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were tickling the tentacles of the giant squid, wich was basking in the warm shallows. Rhea giggle at the sight, but then she caught Harry rubbing his forehead, more accurately, his scar.

"No more studying," Ron sighed happily, stretching out on the grass. "You could look more cheerful, Harry, we've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet."

"It couldn't be that bad. I mean Hermione and I helped you study a lot."

"I wish I knew what this means." Harry bursted out angrily. "My scar keeps hurting - it's happened before, but never as often as this." Rhea gave him a worried look.

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