Chapter 1: Eleventh birthday and Diagon Alley

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April 24, 1991

Years has passed fairly quickly for Rhea, who was celebrating her eleventh birthday today. She has been living with The Tonks Family for almost 10 years now since that night.

Andromeda, Edward 'Ted' Tonks has been taking care of Rhea, raising her and treating her as their own. Their daughter Nymphadora was a sister to the young girl. She was always there for her; she was also a Metamorphmagus like Rhea, which meant she helped the little girl to learn more about her ability.

In the last years, Remus Lupin has become a usual guest in the Tonks house. Rhea was thrilled when she knew he was a good friend of her mother's. She enjoyed his tales of his time at Hogwarts and his adventures with her mother and their friends. Whenever Remus visited, she would ask him to retell all the stories; he could never say no to the pleading 'please Uncle Moony' that was accompanied with the puppy eyes.

Uncle Moony is not what Rhea called Remus Lupin at first. The couple few times she met him, she always called him Mr. Lupin or sir. It took her time to get past that and start addressing him as Uncle Remus. However, as soon as he mentioned the nickname Moony in one of his stories, Rhea immediately took to calling him Uncle Moony.

Today, Aunt Andromeda, Uncle Ted and Uncle Moony were celebrating Rhea's birthday. Unfortunately, Nymphadora was not with them. She had to return back to Hogwarts last week, when the Easter holidays came to an end. She however had her own way of celebrating; on the morning of Rhea's birthday, Nymphadora's owl delivered a present and a Howler the screamed 'Happy Birthday'.

The small group just had lunch, and now they were waiting for the homemade cake courtsey of Aunt Meda. Rhea was bouncing excitedly on her seat at the head of the dining table, making both her Uncles chuckle.

"Here comes the cake." said Andromeda as she entered the living room with a chocolate cake in hand.
She put it in front of Rhea, and with a wave of her wand, she lit up the candles.

"Come on Rhea, blow the candles, and don't forget to make a wish" Remus encourage the little girl.
Rhea took a deep breath and blew out the candles with just one thing in her mind 'I wish that my Hogwarts experience will be the best'
Presents were open, joy was in the air, and like that they went through the day.

Rhea took a deep breath and blew out the candles with just one thing in her mind 'I wish that my Hogwarts experience will be the best'Presents were open, joy was in the air, and like that they went through the day

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It was already nightfall, Remus had already left The Tonks place. Ted has excuse himself saying he was sleepy while rubbing his stomach.

"Good night, Uncle Ted, and thank you for the gift." Rhea smiled.

"You are most welcome little girl." Ted ruffled her hair.

With Ted leaving for his bedroom, it was only Rhea and her Aunt left in the living room.

"Aunt Meda" Rhea began nervously. She got a 'hmm' of acknowledgment. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she finished what was on her mind. "You promised to tell me about my father when I turned eleven"

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