Chapter 6:Of all of the magic creatures out there why a Bloody Troll?

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The next morning, as always Rhea and Hermione were the first Gryffindor first-year girls to arrive at the Great Hall. Rhea was in a bad mood; as soon as she saw Malfoy enter the Great Hall, she pulled out her wand.

"Locomotor wibbly." Rhea mumbled into Malfoy's direction. She smiled in satisfaction when he stumble over Crabbe and Goyle. "That's for making me run." muttered Rhea, earning a little slap on her shoulder from Hermione as well as a muffled giggle.

Just as Rhea was hexing Malfoy, Harry and Ron were entering the Great Hall. They caught sight of Rhea slipping her wand in her pocket, and connected the dots. Harry could not hold back his smirk.

"Oh, Good morning Harry, Ron." said Rhea as Harry pulled Ron to sit in front of the girls.

Harry started to feel more comfortable around the girls, especially around Rhea. Maybe the fact that they went through such a thrilling adventure last night was the reason for it, and that's why he decide to fill the girls about the package that seemed to have been move from Gringotts to Hogwarts.

As they were guessing what possibly could it be that need such protection, Rhea's mind was back to the creature, feeling the need to go and see it again, but alone this time.

"What do you think, Rhea?" Harry's voice brought Rhea's mind to the conversation. She looked around her, and saw that neither Hermione nor Neville were paying much attention to the conversation either, but probably for different reasons.

"Don't know really. You said that you were there with Hagrid, didn't you Harry? Why don't we ask him?" said Rhea.

"Oh, there she is!" George exclaimed as he and Fred made their way towards Rhea.

"Forge, Gred," a smirk appeared on the girl's face. "Just the pair of twins I was looking for." The twins took seats on both sides of the Black girl, pushing Hermione and Neville away, which got them an annoyed huff from the brown-messy-haired girl.

"It's that so?" said George.

"Do you even known another pair of twins?" Fred added pushing her playfully.

Ron watched how easily his brothers approached the young Black. Harry was frowning a little at how somewhat everyone including Neville were able to interact easily with Rhea, but for some reason he was having a difficult time approaching her.

'Maybe she dislike me and Ron because of what happened on the Hogwarts express.' thought Harry.

"Well, see you later for our study session, Hermione. I need to go and settle some scores with a certain poltergeist." said Rhea while standing up. Harry and Ron's eyes glued to her and Hermione just rolled her eyes. "You coming boys?"

"Hell yeah!" the twins jumped beside Rhea, the hight difference being now very obvious.

"See you later boys. Neville you don't forget to join Hermione and I at the library. I'm gonna help you out with Snape's homework. Remind Seamus as well." Rhea saw how Harry an Ron had perked up at this and she sighed. "Yes if you wanna come we could help you too." with that being said Rhea left the Great Hall with the twins.

" with that being said Rhea left the Great Hall with the twins

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