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"Even in the darkest times, there are moments of bright light"

July 31, 1981

It was a beautiful day with its cloudless, sunny sky and its cool breeze which filled one of the cottages with the smell of flowers that decorated the garden.
This cottage belonged to the Potter family. James, Lily and their son Harry who was celebrating his first birthday that day. The list of invitees was relatively small considering the current events. Not many people dared to leave their houses, and a large number of the family friends were busy either with their regular jobs, or the missions related to the Order. The ones who were able to attend the party were Sirius and Leyla Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

Although the number of people were small, and the war was yet to end, this small group managed to enjoy themselves. The cottage was filled with laughter and chatter.

The Potters living room was decorated with animals shaped balloons. Four animals to be exact; a stag, a black dog, a wolf, and a rat. The table that usually sat in the middle of the room was pushed to the far side, leaving enough room for two toddlers to crawl and play around.

Harry Potter and Rhea Black, the next generation of marauders as their fathers like to call them, were playing with each other. They were oblivious to the conversation that was happening around them.

"Leyla! Prongslet won't stop staring at MY Rhea." Sirius complained to his wife while pointing to the green eyed boy who was starring at his friend in fascination.

"Sirius for Merli's sake, he's just one year old." Leyla, who was sitting on the couch next to Lily, told her husband with an eye roll.

"Also Padfoot you can't blame little Harry as Rhea's hair changes colour everytime James makes her laugh." Remus said, coming out of the kitchen and taking place on an arm chair in the living room with the rest of the group.

Sirius took Rhea in his arms protectively, and turned to his friend. "Stop making my daughter laugh."

Before James could open his mouth to retort, little Rhea made grabby hands towards the messy haired man and squealed. "Pongs, Pongs"

James burst out laughing at the betrayed look on his best friend's face. "give me back my daughter-in-law." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"That's it, we're leaving." Sirius turned around dramatically and moved towards the door making Rhea's lower lip wobble.

"Sit your ass down right now Sirius, or leave alone." said Leyla.

"But," Sirius saw his wife's raised eyebrow and huffed in defeat. "Fine."

He put Rhea down next to Harry and threw himself onto the couch next to Peter who patted his shoulder.

"She can do worse than Harry."
Sirius flipped him off.





October 25, 1981

In Godric's Hollow village, and not too far away from the Potters cottage, stands the Black cottage where the family of three were enjoying their time in the garden.

Leyla was sitting in the garden porche drinking hot chocolate while whatching her husband roll a Quaffle to her daughter in an attempt to make her throw it back to him. This father-daughter moments never failed to make her smile.

"Come on Pup, throw that Quaffle to papa." Sirius encouraged his daughter.

"Sirius, she is only a few months over one year old, she does not know what to do with a Quaffle." Leyla protest, though Sirius could see the amusementin her eyes.

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