Chapter 7: Qudditch, cursed broom

Start from the beginning

The fast approaching Quidditch game helped Rhea to forget about the Howlers incident

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The fast approaching Quidditch game helped Rhea to forget about the Howlers incident. The first match for the Gryffindor team was going to be held on Saturday. It would by the first time Harry play after weeks of training by tyrant Oliver; the match was Gryffindor versus Slytherin. If Gryffindor won, they would move up into second place in the House Championship.

Rhea was the only one who had seen Harry play, and that was only because she was able to assist during the private training sessions. This was because of Oliver decision in keeping Harry as their secret weapon. But the news that a first year was going to be the new Gryffindor seeker, and that the first year was the one and only Harry Potter leaked out and spread like wild fire.

Now, Rhea had also to calm Harry as a lot of people were coming to him, telling him that he'll be brilliant. Others were not as nice; some students told him that they'd be running around underneath him in case he fell.

Rhea also managed to not get detention for a whole week just to be able to go to the match. Instead of causing mayhem, she chose to sit with Hermione, and help Neville, Harry and Ron with their homework.

"For real boys, why do you have to leave everything to the last minute. 'Mione and I finished these assignments at the beginning of the week."

"I don't understand how it is that you have time?" said Ron.

"Yeah, you have been doing pranks with Peeves and the twins, and also go to the private Quidditch trainings with me." said Harry.

"Simple, I wake up early every day, and do my homework while having breakfast or during the study sessions Hermione and I have during the week. You know, the ones that you two refuse to attend." she counter attack.

"Perhaps if both of you start getting up earlier you could finished everything sooner." added Hermione

"Also, I've been helping you with Quidditch. How could it be that you haven't finished yet Harry?!" snapped Rhea pointing at Harry. "Do not expect us to do your homework for you!"

"That's because Hermione gave me more homework!"

"I did not! I just lent you 'Quidditch Through the Ages' so you could know more about the game!"

"I thought I had confiscated that book from you 'Mione."

"You left your trunk open."

"' Mione!"

"' Mione!"

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