Chapter 6:Of all of the magic creatures out there why a Bloody Troll?

Start from the beginning

The Hogwarts population were having breakfast at the Great Hall, and once again it was mail time. This time, Rhea was prepared with a little roll of parchment for Harry. During the week, she was able to speak with Harry on the few study sessions he and Ron attended with Hermione and herself. Although, her best friend refused to talk to the boys, she found out a little bit more of Harry's life with the muggle family he grew up. She was enrage at how they treated Harry, so she had decide that at least she would try to take away that sadness from him. He liked that she started sending short letters for him on mail. It does not matter if she run out of ribbons by the end of the year, she could always ask Aunt Meda to send her more.

The owls flooded into the Great Hall as usual. Everyone's attention was caught by a long, thin package carried by six large screech owls. One of them being Hermes, who was also carrying the parchment roll that Rhea sent for Harry. Professor McGonagall asked her early in the week if she could borrow Hermes, and she had agreed.

The moment she got a clear view at the package, she knew what it was. 'Never doubt a Chaser's eye.' thought Rhea arrogantly. She sneaked a look at Professor McGonagall with a knowing smile on her face. The Professor responded with an amused smile of her own. Rhea quickly returned her gaze to her books while Hermes perched on her shoulder, and started to get comfy there.

On the other side, Harry had ended up reading the letter from Professor McGonagall, and found himself again with a very particular parchment roll, secured with a silver ribbon. He opened the parchment with excitement.

"Dear Harry,

Even in the Darkness the stars can shine, so do not dispair when you're sorrunded with it. There will always be a star shining.

Sincerely, Rhea Black"

A smile creeped into his face. One of the things he got to know about Rhea till now was her passion for astronomy and herbology. He once again hid the parchment and the ribbon in his robes, and took a quick glace at the girl.

Rhea noticed when Harry and Ron were leaving the Great Hall; they were quickly followed by Malfoy and his goons

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Rhea noticed when Harry and Ron were leaving the Great Hall; they were quickly followed by Malfoy and his goons.

"For Merlin's sake, he must learn when to quit." said Rhea, hurrying up and taking all of her stuff with her. "See you in class, 'Mione. Gotta hex a ferret...again."

Rhea bolted out of the Great Hall following the boys, but when she reached them, Malfoy was already in front of them.

"You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them." Rhea heard the note of triumph in Malfoy's voice.

"Bloody hell, you really must like to be jinxed, don't you Malfoy?" hissed Rhea, standing in between the two Gryffindor boys and the three Slytherins.

"So it was you Black!"

"No shit Sherlock." said Rhea, ignoring the puzzled look on the purebloods' faces. "Now, we all know that you're just jealous of Harry. So if you could just leave him alone, or I swear..."

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