"Focus on the pendulum.... Clear your head and focus on the movements of pendulum."

Taehyung fixed his eyes on the moving object, left right, left right, left right.

"Keep focusing, you are doing great."

As much as Taehyung stared at the moving object his surroundings started to fade away, it was just pendulum and a white light. Taehyung's eyes started to get heavier and it was becoming difficult to keep them open and focus.

"You will be going to sleep now, let your eyes close."

Taehyung did as the voice told him to do, closed his eyes. He met with the darkness. "What do you see?" a voice in the darkness called out on him.

"It is dark in here there is no light."

"Go a little further" the voice said.

After sometime Yoongi spoke, "Do you see anything?"

"A faint light."

"Follow it."

Taehyung stepped towards the light. It was weak and faint in the start but the more he got closer it became stronger. Although it was just a straight line coming from a hole or something.

"I see a door. The light is coming from the key hole."

"Do you want to open that door?" the voice said to Taehyung.

"Yes, I do."

"Open it and don't be afraid it will be okay." the voice said.

Taehyung clicked opened the door, a bright light oozed out blurring his view, he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"What is behind the door?"

"This is a.... Garden." Taehyung said.

Taehyung looked at the sky it was brightly shining sun staring back at him and grass under his feet felt softer. He looked at his hand and feet, he rubbed his fingers on his face. It was himself, not the other version he sees in his dreams. He took a few steps, he glanced up to see a big beautiful mansion.

"It is a house.....a mansion....."

"Is is same one like your dream?"


"Keep on going, you are on right path." the voice said.

Taehyung could hear the chirping of birds, the place was beautiful and serene. He slowly took some steps towards the building. He recognized it, it was same building from his dream last night. He was a bit hesitant to step in but his curiosity led him inside.

"What do you see now?" Yoongi spoke. However, there was no answer from Taehyung.

"Why isn't he answering?" Hoseok closed in and Yoongi raised a hand to stop him right away.

"He has begun his journey. Now, we have to wait until he wakes up."

"How long it will take? What if he didn't wake at the right time." Hoseok almost panicked.

"He will. Just wait." Yoongi sat back having an close eyes on hypnotized figure of Taehyung.

As soon as Taehyung entered he heard some noises, he followed the source only to find two person arguing. One had a back on him.

"Still, this could be seen as a public confession. If it leads to church then we cannot do anything to turn it around." the man facing Taehyung said.

"I do not care anymore." the man facing away from Taehyung said. "I have planned to resign from my title. After that, I shall leave Aylesford too, and join him. He is safe. You will know his whereabouts once the dust settles down."

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