12. Hypnosis

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The tip of pen rested on a blank space, left for signatures. Taehyung's eyes were fixed on the piece of printed paper as his leg was shaking due to nervousness. After yesterday's dream he was so shaken but after his interaction with a certain student, he remained calmer till the end of the day.

He felt lighter while attending other meetings and office endeavors. He slept peaceful at night with good hours of sleep. Anyhow, he himself wasn't aware of the impact caused on him by certain someone. He gave credit to the medicines he took.

"You should have come to me yesterday, when all of it happened." Yoongi said.

Taehyung lifted his head to look at his doctor and friend, "I had something important to do."

"Yeah listening to kids presentation?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"So Hoseok told you." Taehyung's facial expressions went sour.

"Yes, as my husband he happens to tell me, how his day went. I am certain you will do the same once you have a life partner. Believe me Hoseok is worried for you. You should prioritize your health at the moment."

"And what about company? What about people depending on it?" Taehyung questioned.

"Please Namjoon is a capable substitute. Take a break for some time. Focus solely on your treatment so you can heal. When you have double stress on your mind, you won't get any better." Yoongi sighed.

"We are doing this treatment? Aren't we? It will work right?" Taehyung questioned.

"There are chances Tae, it is a journey not one time thing. It might takes time meanwhile your mind needs to be free from other thoughts."

"I'll think about it. Is it necessary to sign these paper?" Taehyung questioned.

"These are essential protocol because this process comes with chances. Patient must be aware and give written permission, don't worry this information will not go out. Your everything is safe with me." Yoongi said.

"I trust you." Taehyung signed the papers and handed the file back to Yoongi.

"I need another person with me in the process. Should I call a nurse? Yoongi asked.

"Why is that? I don't want any person which I don't trust here." Taehyung made his point clear.

"Sometimes during hypnosis, brain lose control over the body and we need to pull person back forcefully. So I might require help."

Taehyung looked at Yoongi intensely thinking about the situation. He can't risk anyone knowing that he visit a public psychiatrist clinic so, Yoongi always sees him in their own home. "What about Hoseok?"

"Are you okay with being here during the process?" Yoongi questioned and Taehyung nodded.

A few minutes later, Hoseok came and Yoongi gave him a few instructions regarding observation and procedure.

"So, Taehyung we will be starting the process now, before this always remember whatever you see, you have a choice to leave at any moment. Whatever you see will not be real, a memory stored in your subconscious. Which your body doesn't remember but your brain do. We just need to uncoil that. Hear onto my voice while being there, it will not let you loose yourself. " Yoongi turned on a soft certain music.

Taehyung rested his head on the back, taking in instructions. "Keep on telling me whatever you see." Yoongi turned back to nod at Hoseok as a queue to get ready to note down everything. Usually the session is recording using a camera but Taehyung didn't permit it so Yoongi had to do it the old way.

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