Fifty One

699 30 2

Twice Apartment
Mina's POV

After the tiring practice we had, we decided to have a girls night which means we are allowed to drink alcoholic drinks as much as we want. I'm not fond of drinking unlike Jihyo and the Unnies. What shocked me the most is when I realized how high the maknaes alcohol tolerance.

My love? You drunk too much already. I whispered to my cub while back hugging her.

She shook her head and smile sweetly at me.

I'm still good Minari~ She said caressing my hands embracing her.

I hugged her tightly and snuggle my face to her neck. I really like this. She smells so good.

Do I smell good? She curiously asked me.

Yeah. It's addicting. I think I'm addicted to your smell. It gives me comfort. I confessed still snuggling my face to her neck.

I hear giggle from her.

By the way, Are you tired already? She asked me.

I nodded my head because I'm really tired from the practice we have.

She tap my hands causing me to release my hug. She faced me.

Let's take a rest.  She said.

What about them? I asked her.

They can manage themselves. Let's go? She asked me while standing up. Afterwards, she extends her hand to help me stand up.

Ji, we are going to take a rest. I said.

Jihyo just nodded to me seems she's not interested to us since they are busy listening to Dahyun's drunk story.

Wanna sleep alone? Chaengie ask me while we are heading towards my bedroom.

No! Let's sleep together. I said.

I'm quite drunk. She shyly answered.

I know. And, it's okay. It's not our first time anyway. I reasoned out.

Because she's easily get excited when she's drunk and it's okay because we love each other.

She stopped walking when we are in front of my door. She faced me with her victorious smile.

Are you sure?! She excitedly asked me.

She's the cutest when she's drunk.

I'm sure. You are my girlfriend cutie cub. Come on. Let's go inside. I said while smiling at her.

We just had taking a bath and now I'm laying in my bed together with my love. She's now snuggling her face into my neck while I'm playing with her hair.

Mina. She called me.

Mina?! Did I do something wrong? Because as I remember she only calls me like that when we have argument with each other or when she's angry.

Mina! She called me again.

Hmm. I hummed.

Do you know? She asked me.

Know? What? I asked her.

That I love you so much. And, I will do everything for you to be happy. She suddenly said.

Really?? I teasingly asked her.

Yah! I'm serious. I love you so much since you and I become close. I always admire you. She proudly confessed.

And, what did I do to make you love me so much? I playfully ask her.

Well, you take good care of me. You are kind and well mannered. You are an introvert like me and most of all I'm comfortable when I'm with you. She answered.

Really? I thought it's because I'm pretty. Really pretty. I playfully said.

I heard her laugh.

Of course! You're the prettiest girl in my eyes. She proudly said.

And, I love you too so much. I lovingly said to her.

Really? She playfully asked me.

Yeah! You're the coolest person I know. I exclaimed.

That's it? I'm pretty too, you know. Am I not? She said looking at me while showing her lone dimple.

Yah! That's cheating. You know how much I love that dimple. I poke her dimple.

Can I kiss the owner of this dimple? I  asked her.

She vigorously nodded.

Oh! I guess you're not that drunk. I said as I poke her nose.

She smiled at me as she positioned herself above me. I cupped her face and kiss her.

Why you're so cute? I asked her while cupping her small face and give soft kisses.

Minari~ She called me with lust in her eyes.

I just stared at her beautiful eyes.

You know. It's been a while since we.. She said.

make love. I continued what she's about to say.

She shyly nodded.

Wanna do it? I asked her while caressing her hair as I kept my eyes on her face.

Can we? She asked with a grin.

If it's you then it's always okay. I answered while  I unbutton her pajama.

Son Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up feeling tired and it's not because of the dance practice. It's because of this naked girl who's hugging me tightly.

Minari~ Good morning. I said.

I kissed her forehead and play with her long black hair.

Chaengie~ She called me.

Who's better me or her? She suddenly asked me.

Who? I asked.

So Hee. Who's better? Me or her? She curiously asked.

She's so cute when she's asking me this again and again. So, I'll answer the same.

I don't know. I don't remember the first time we did it. I teasingly answered.

Yah! You should say it's me. We've done it more than once. She scolded me while pinching my cheeks.

Hey.. hey.. stop. It hurts. It's you of course. I said almost yelled and I saw her stiffle her laugh.

Sometimes I don't know what's going on inside her mind.

We heard a knock. So, we kept quiet for a while. Luckily, I locked the door last night or else they will see how lucky I am.

Michaeng. Stop flirting early in the morning. Breakfast is ready. Nayeon Unnie said.

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