He is actually real ! Alexios !

Começar do início

" You ARE 28 YEARS OLD ?! " Percy shouted. And well I just fainted dramatically. 

" Stop being dramatic " Grover said annoyed with us . Ofcourse . " Sure Donkey " Percy said and took off to our cabin .

While Grover bleated angrily after him and ran after him .

I laughed and followed them .

Inside the cabin we both went inside our beds . Percy looked towards me and said " We are going on a quest together "

" Oh I didn't knew that " I sarcastically remarked .

"Delia , What if you died ? What will I say to Mom or what if I died ? What will you say to Mom ?" Percy was ...... Worried ?

" Since when did you started overthinking things lie this baby brother ? " I asked wide eyed .

" I am not worried just a little ... Yeah worried . And I am taller one " Percy stated .

I chuckled and said " Perce No one will die and if anybody does well the another will die . I will always haunt you " I also made those creepy hand movements .

He laughed and sighed " Good night and Sleep tight "

" And don't let the bed beetle bite " I continued and closed my eyes as the sleep eloped me .

Dream start

When I opened my eyes I saw the same house same garden . I shrieked when a hand touched my shoulder . In my defence I thought it was a ghost but then I remembered the boy .

I turned around to see him only . His eyes had a mischievous glint along with a hint of longing for something .

He smiled at me and said " I guess I didn't gave my introduction properly last time . Names Alexios . Yours is Cordelia if I am right ? "

I was already in awe of his hotness-- ugghmmm I mean handsomeness . That I just nodded .

He raised his right eyebrow and smirked . Oh god he smirked . I was literally swooning then I realised what is happening with me .

Since when did I started acting like this and regained my conscious . There was this weird pull between us which was leading me closer to him .

I just thought I have gained my posture when he said " Again checking me out are you ? Like I know I am hot and getting checked out on by a dazzling lady like you . I think it has already made my day " Which left me being a flustered mess .

While I was a flustered mess . He had an audacity to laugh then he offered " Come inside lets have some tea "

And without hearing my answer he went inside and I had no other choice but to follow .

In my whole life I have never see a house as beautiful as this . The whole room was coloured orange  and yellow .

There was a big book shelf which contained many many books and biggest thing me being a dyslexic was able to understand each and every title .

I heard him calling me " Core ! Come inside the kitchen " and I went .

The kitchen was painted lilac . It contained all kind of Utensils Mum would have loved to have in her kitchen and I just blurted " Wow ! Mum would love to have a kitchen like this.  "

" Yeah ? All these things from colour to utensils are my choice you know . " He replied . I just made a ' I am impressed ' face .

Then I realised the main question I wanted to ask " What are you doing in my dreams Alex ? And last time you muttered about me being a demigoddess and its true that means you are related to greek mythology in some way . You are right ? "

" I see never thought you will be this smart . To answer your first question No I don't know what I am doing in your dreams ( A/N He absolutely know ) And yes I am related to greek mythology but I can't tell how " He tenderly smiled at me while he offered me a cup of tea .

I muttered a small thank you to him and sat a side table . It was made of wood and soft cushions were laid above it . Bet on everything after seeing just one room and a big kitchen I could already tell this dude was rich .

He is not snobby so I think we will go well together .

" You were staring at the bookshelf earlier , Did you liked any of those books ? " Alexios asked me .

" Yeah I like the book The house of Salt and Sorrow . I wanted to buy it for so long but I couldn't . " I pouted remembering why Gabe has always been a problem. 

" You can have this one " He stated . When I looked at him with my quit big wide eyes . He said " You have already seen I have a lot of book's , one book going be won't change anything "

Its just a dream not like it was going to come in normal . So I said " Sure " He smirked like he k ew what was going in my mind and he is going to prove it wrong .

And I already knew all this is not real and I should stop reading more of romantic novels . Percy warned me something like this will happen but I didn't have a thought to it . Now I am i imagining a real hot dude as my potential lover .

I hope it was real but it is not . I know . I really enjoy his company though . I gave a dramatic sigh and looked him . He was in the hall picking out the book and he kept it in front of me .

He smiled when suddenly everything went black .

Dream End

When I opened my eyes I was in cabin 3 . I rolled over and a at on the bed . I looked towards the clock it was already 7 in morning .

I should just wake up only . When I turned towards my bedside table I took my bottle . While drinking from it I realised that bottle was not the only thing kept there .

There in all its glory was lying the book ' The House of Salt and Sorrow ' . I snatched it and opened it and inside was the note written by hand

For my Core

Now armed with my book I can wholeheartedly feel that he was not a dream but real entity which made md wanting to go over and dance my heart out but I restrained myself .

Well I was ready to ward off all the Sleepless night that were young to come .

With that thought I went off to wake Percy up  .


Hello my favourite guys long time no see . I had my exams and because of my not so good marks my mother took my phone away so I was not able to post a chapter soon .

By the way please tell how was this chapter .

Appy 💞💞

His Obsession ( Greek God Apollo ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora