Chapter 11

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Your POV

Kenma was taking a while in the bathroom. While he was in there, I tried to come up with something we could do that was fun. I've never had a sleepover, so let me look some things up.

Hm... Dress up, build a fort, scary stories, baking, and a movie... I don't think Kenma will wanna dress up, but maybe we can try a fort in my room. Then we can do baking, I'm sure the chefs leave ingredients in the kitchen. I know Kenma doesn't like scary movies, so I'll let him pick a movie. I'm so amazing coming up with an amazing plan. I need his help with the fort though, so I'll call him over.

Kenma comes into my room with an unhappy look on his face. Maybe he didn't like the face mask? I stood up from my bed "Hey wanna help me build a fort?" I give him a smile. Kenma's unpleasant face leaves and the corners of his lips curl up a bit.

"What do you know about building a fort?" He put his hands on his hips.

"I haven't built one before, but I have read about them. Do you wanna help me make one or not?" I cross my arms.

Kenma's smile returns to his face. "Wow... I'm sorry this is so amazing. Let me soak up this moment of the y/n l/n asking me for help."

I lightly pinch him "Come on, we have a lot of spare blankets over here," We walked down the hallway to one of the spare rooms we have.

"Damn, how many rooms do y'all actually need?" He was looking at all the doors we passed as he spoke. We finally made it to the room, and Kenma and I grabbed as many blankets as we could hold. "I'm gonna beat you!" Kenma ran off into the hallway.

"Hey! No fair!" I began to run after him. He doesn't really run that fast, but he was still ahead of me. All of a sudden, Kenma accidentally slipped on the pant leg of his pajamas and fell down. Good thing the blankets broke his fall. He just laid there on the ground in defeat, and nothing could stop the laugher I was about to release.

I had to put my blankets down and lean against the wall because I was laughing so much. Kenma sits up and looks at me annoyed. "Shut up!" I put my hand on my stomach because it started to hurt from laughing so much.

"That's what you get!" I settled down, walked over to Kenma, and helped him up. We grabbed the blankets and WALKED back to my room. We made a really big fort on the floor in front of my bed. Kenma put his hands on his hips like dads do after they feel accomplished.

"Okay, I am claiming this spot to sleep," Kenma kept his super dad pose while I just laughed a little. "Fine, you can have it.... DAD Kenma," his face shot up and he sent me a glare. Aw crap. I knew what he was going to do...

I stayed frozen in place, like a prey in front of its predator on the Discovery channel. I tried to run across my bed and out the door, but before I could, Kenma pushed me on the bed and started beating me relentlessly with my pillow.

"KENMA. STOP." my hair was everywhere, and I could barely process what was happening. "OHHH YOU'RE NOT SO FUNNY NOW, HUH?" He did one last blow from the pillow and tossed it on the bed with his arms crossed. "Meanie," He looked like a spoiled child getting his candy taken away.

I walk to my mirror to fix my hair and turned to Kenma. "Fine. I apologize, Kenma.... Wanna make some cookies? I think the chefs left some food in the pantry, so we should be able to. Then, you can pick out a movie. Whatever you want. Deal?"

He uncrossed his arms, smiled, and walked towards the door. "Okay, you are forgiven,"

We crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened the pantry. "Hmm... I read a book about baking essentials. If I remember correctly, we need flour, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, vanilla extract, and of course, chocolate chips!" Kenma sighs.

Little Miss Perfect - Kenma Kozume x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now