Chapter 4

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The next day

I didn't go to school as early today because I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch the boys practice again. After that phone call with my mom, I have to be even more careful with who I hang out with. Kuroo has been very kind to me and Kenma has been Kenma, but mother would blow a fuse.

I was sitting in my first class of the day, and I saw Akio walk in with Kenma after him. Kenma looked tired as always, practice today must've been rough. Akio looked and me and smiled. "I'm glad you weren't with that nasty alley cat this morning!" I didn't really say anything. I just turned to the front and waited for the teacher.

—— Lunch ——

As I begin walking to the cafeteria to eat my lunch, I see Shelby. I call her name, and once she sees me, she runs to me and gives me a hug. I hug her back and say "Hey shelbs, I was just looking for you! Do you mind if we eat outside today? Just us? Akio has been getting on my nerves, and I just want some girl time,"

She smiled and said "Sure, of course!" We walked to one of the picnic tables they had away from the cafeteria and began eating our lunch. She broke the short silence with a question about Akio. "So, what did Akio do to get on your nerves?" I sighed and said "Well, he's just been talking down people in a really rude way. He is our friend, but he takes things too far sometimes,"

Shelby puts her hand on her chin and thinks to herself. "Hmm... could these 'people' that he is talking about be Kenma?" She ended her sentence with a teasing smile. "I guess... I have been going to Kenma and Kuroo's morning volleyball practice because it is exhilarating to watch. That's why I have walked with Kenma to class. They aren't my usual crowd, but they have been nice to me. Their interactions don't seem fake like other people,"

I paused and sighed before I continued. "Akio calls Kenma a bum and nasty. He tells me that people like that aren't worth our presence. I don't know. I just feel like they don't deserve to be talked about that way," Shelby let me finish before she spoke up. "I see. Akio has always had a crush on you. It has always been so obvious," My eyes widen. "HE HAS?!"

Shelby laughs at my reaction and says "Yes! I'm surprised you haven't noticed. He is talking down on Kenma because he is jealous. Not saying that is an excuse to be so sour, but he is probably just threatened because Kenma is so out of our circle. He got closer to you than Akio ever could," I sit there and think about her words. "I didn't know Akio felt that way... that explains a lot, but I don't even see Kenma that way. Guess I shouldn't tell him that Kenma came over to work on the project yesterday,"

Shelby gasps. "OMG! Tell me everything that happened!" She was beaming with curiosity and joy. "Well nothing happened. We just worked on the project... well I did. He fell asleep while I was talking," Shelby laughs. Her smile never leaves her face. "YALL NEED TO GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW AND HAVE KIDS SO I CAN BE AN AUNTIE!" I faced palmed at her words. "Shelbs... THAT WILL NEVER EVEN HAPPEN CALM DOWN!"

We both start laughing. She stops and thinks with her hand on her china again. "Wait... who is this Kuroo guy you mentioned earlier?" I opened my mouth to say something until I heard a voice behind me.

"Well it's me of course,"

My body froze as I recognized that voice. I hope they didn't hear what we were talking about. Shelby and I turn around to see Kuroo with Kenma behind him on his phone. Shelby's jaw dropped in awe when she saw Kuroo. "What are you doing here?" I asked Kuroo. He walked forward and sat down in front of us. "Looking for you. How come you didn't come this morning?"

My stomach turned into a knot. I didn't wanna tell them 'Well I can't talk to y'all anymore because my parents will banish me.' I said the first thing that came to mind. "Oh, I was just a bit sleepy and had some studying to do," I gave him a smile to try and pull off my lie a little more. Kuroo just looked at me and shrugged.

Little Miss Perfect - Kenma Kozume x FemReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin