Chapter 15

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"No, no, please, wake up"

Rose is crying heavily, holding a body in her hands

Everyone around is sorrowful, some crying their eyes out and some with their heads down in disbelief

"No, please I'm sorry, wake up, don't leave me"

"R-rose, I love you"

The body is now lifeless

Rose's screams becomes louder, her tears streaming down her face like a running river


7 hours earlier

Natsu is in his office going over the plan with everyone again

"Okay, imma say it one more time and that's it, got it"

Everyone nodded


Natsu pulled out a blueprint of Sabertooth's base

"Okay, Levy, Lyric, you two are gonna be the ones to cut off all the coms and cameras of Sabertooth, and you'll need to be here, in their tech room, Gajeel and Gale are gonna accompany you to make sure you get there without any complications, got it?"

"Got it"

"Grey, Juvia, after levy turns off the coms and cameras, you guys are gonna sneak into their weaponry and sabotage their weapons, and hell, even take some for us"

"Got it"

"Jellal and Isaac, you two are gonna be our lookouts. Anyone who comes in or leave out, you let us know immediately"

"Got it"

"The rest of you, you're with me"

Everyone nodded, understanding their position

"Okay, everyone get ready then get to the cars so we can head out to them fuckers, GO NOW"
Luke is in the room with Lucy, who is still in a coma

It's now been a week since her coma and each day, the boys have been estranged from everyone

Natsu is more angrier and cold towards everyone

Natsuki is excluded himself from talking to anyone, even Luke

And Luke now basically lives in his mom's room

Luke's holding Lucy's hands tightly with desperation

"Mom, please wake up soon, you're the only thing I have left"

A tear was forming down Luke's cheek as he held his mother's hand closely

A knock was then heard at the door making Luke quickly wipe his tear away

"Come in"

The door opened showing Natsuki

The two haven't really been talking ever since Lucy got into a coma

Their talks are usually just about the mission

"What is it"

"It's almost time to head out, you ready"


Natsuki stared at Luke before walking up to him

Luke stood up in confusion

Natsuki then hugged him tightly and closely

Luke was taken aback but hugged him back

They two hugged for a lil minute before letting go

"What was that for"

"That was an apology hug"

Luke raised a brow in confusion

"We haven't really been speaking like we used to, mostly because I was just down due to mom- I mean, Ms. Heartfilia being in a coma"

Luke smirked

"Did you just call her mom"

Natsuki huffed and folded his arms

"No eat dude, in your dreams"

They both looked at each other and laughed

Natsu was outside listening and smirked

He then went inside making the two look at him

"It's time to head out boys"

They both nodded


The boys stopped in their tracks

"The fuck was that"

"I don't know but we're bout to find out"

Natsu whistled then 6 men came out

"You all better watch this room with your fucking lives, 3 out and 3 in"

Natsu and the boys then ran to the where the sound came from
"Hey Dragneel where ya hiding, get out here and come fight me"

Natsu reached the place where the explosion was heard

As he looked around, it was a disaster

Sabertooth surrounding Fairy Tail at gun point

"How the hell did they find our base"

"Because I told them sweetie"

Everyone was shocked to see the person that showed up

Natsu clenched his fist


"Yes me, did you miss me my love"

Natsu just growled

"Oh, Natsuki, you've grown so big since I last saw you, how are you, did you miss me"

Natsuki had a shadow covering his eyes

"Natsuki, who is that woman"

"That woman, is my mother"

"What the hell are you doing here Lisanna"

Lisanna smirked

"I'm here to get my family back dear"

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