One Step At A Time

Start from the beginning

For the first time in forever Fatima embraced her mother and gave her a hug. Fatima needed this type of hug back when she was a child and in her young adulthood.

Mona: Where do you want me to start

Fatima: You can start in the kitchen, I'll be right back

Fatima went upstairs to the bathroom and she broke down crying. She didn't know if she was crying happy or sad tears.

Zac heard Fatima crying in the bathroom he went to comfort her

Zac: What's wrong

Fatima: My mom has breast cancer she's going to die

Zac: Did she say she was going to die or you just thinking she will die because of it

Fatima: She didn't say that but what if she does die

Zac: We won't think about that right now we can only focus on the present and right now your mother needs you.

Fatima: Ugh my hormones are all over the place, thank you

Zac: For what

Fatima: I know you gave her our address and if you hadn't I wouldn't have known she was sick

Zac: You're welcome she is trying to change while she can for you and for our daughter. All she needs is a chance

Fatima: I know I am going to try

Zac: Good now wipe those tears we have to finish unpacking

Fatima wiped her tears and then washed her face. She took a deep breath thinking to herself one day at a time Fatima.

She walked back downstairs where Zac was helping Mona put away things she couldn't reach. In that moment there was no tension they laughed made jokes and danced while unpacking.

This is the side that Fatima always wanted to see from her mother.

Fatima walked her mother out to her car as they were talking Fatima seen Sue Mae making her way over to them

Fatima: Shit here go her crazy ass again

Mona: Who

Sue Mae: Good Morning neighbors was that music I heard this morning

Fatima: And if it was

Sue Mae: Well you know they have a noise policy over here

Fatima: Peggy Sue it's to early for your shit mind your own damn business

Sue Mae looking at Mona

Sue Mae: You might want to get your granddaughter she's disrespectful

Mona and Fatima both looked at each other

Mona: First off I'm her mother you look older than me and 2nd if you were minding your own damn business you wouldn't feel disrespected.

Sue Mae stood there with her mouth open

Mona: Now close your damn mouth and take your ass back across the street. If my daughter tells me you still been bothering her I'm gone come over here and beat yo ass myself since you my age or older.

Sue Mae hurried up and took her ass across the street she didn't even look back

Mona: Let me know if she come back over here with her crazy ass

Fatima: I hope she take heed

In may ways Fatima was just like her mama. Mona was in fact bougie but she also had a thing for the streets. Don't let the pearls and living in the suburbs fool you.

I watched as she drove away

I know it's not much but it is a start, I really hope she change for herself to because I know she has some deep issues she needs to work on herself.

I walked back in the house Zac was unpacking. they both looked at each other Zac knew Fatima was hesitant about letting Mona fully back in her life

Zac: Baby steps no one said you have to jump in fun throttle

Fatima: I know it's just hard because she's done things like this before

Zac: That may be true but she's sick and you know people be trying to get things in order before they transition on to glory

Fatima: They sho do try to walk a straight path so they won't end up in hell

Zac: I can see that she's trying and you are too especially with you going to her appointment with her.

Fatima: I know that if I was in her shoes I wouldn't want to go through this alone

Zac: We are almost done packing then we can finally relax. How are you and my babygirl doing rubbing Fatima's belly

Fatima: We are doing good, I can't wait so I can get my body back I feel stuffed

Zac: You look great and you are almost to the finish line. What do you want as your push gift

Fatima: Oh I get a push gift let me think on that it's gone be expensive because 9 months is a long time

Zac: What do you think of the name Zaya

Fatima: I like it

Zac: It means honest, hope

Fatima: Zaya Marie Taylor

Zac repeated the name

Zac: Looks like we got her name

Fatima: Don't tell nobody you know how people be stealing other people baby names before they can have their kid

Zac: People really be doing that

Fatima: Yes they trifling

Zac and I decided to finishing unpacking and then relax the rest of the day. We would tackle Zaya room another day.

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