We did end up having fun together. Later on, Floyd brought me back to Ramshackle, where I studied with Jade. Studying with Jade was always a lot less eventful than studying with Floyd, but he was always very helpful with his advice. I ended up not having to bring up the gift thing. He noticed the shells laid out on my dresser.

"Floyd found a new shell for you," Jade said in a neutral tone with his back to me.

"Yeah, isn't it pretty?" I said.

"Quite." Jade turned around to look at me with a smile that seemed genuine, but there was something off about it.

"Oh, uh, Floyd told me giving gifts is a sign of friendship for merfolk. So... if you wanted to give me rocks or something, I would like that."

"Oh?" Jade smiled slyly. "You're requesting I give you gifts? Are you suggesting I don't show you my appreciation enough?"

I flushed. "N-No. I just meant... If you wanted to give me gifts... I would accept them... But you can show your appreciation however you want. I'm just saying... I wouldn't reject ant gifts from you."

Jade chuckled lightly. "I did not think you would." He smirked. "Do you really want a gift from me?"

"I, uh, yeah, I mean... only if you want to." I gave him a weak smile, and he just laughed again.

"I suppose I could pick you up something from the mountains. However... I would much prefer if you were there with me." He gave me a real smile this time.

I relaxed and smiled back at him. "Yeah, I would too."

"Then we'll go on a trip together when the weather warms up. I know you don't like the cold."

I nodded. "Yeah, sounds great." I wanted to say I might not mind the cold if I was with him, but I held back from mentioning it. That might only get me another round of teasing.

Jade glanced at the clock in my room. "It's about time for us to head to the Mostro Lounge." He paused and looked at me with slight concern. "Are you sure you want to go to work today?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Besides, I can't let down Azul like that."

"Azul would understand. You would take the day off if you were physically sick, wouldn't you? I do not believe you are mentally well right now, and that is just as important."

I hesitated. "I guess, but... Ace and Deuce are busy. Where else would I go?"

Jade gave me a sympathetic smile. "Of course. I'll stay with you, don't worry. I'll make sure Floyd or myself are near you all night."

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks, Jade." I gave him a quick hug before heading outside with him. I nearly ran into someone on my way down the stoop. "Huh? Jamil? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check up on you," Jamil said without looking me in the eye. He frowned when he saw Jade. "Where are you two going?"

"We are on our way to work," Jade said in a pleasant tone.

Jamil looked at me with a small frown. "Oh, right, you work for Azul." He narrowed his eyes at Jade. "You're forcing her to go to work after everything that happened?"

Jade placed a hand over his heart and gasped. "Force? I would never!"

"That's not what's going at all!" I said quickly. "Jade offered to let me take the day off, but I refused. He's just trying to look our for me. I don't want to be alone."

Jamil relaxed a little as he looked at me. "Well, you're feeling well enough to defend him."

I smiled slightly. "I'm always well enough for that."

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