The old lady looked at the tea leaves gratefully and frowned when she heard him. " Why? Are you ok?" Her forehead creased in worry.

" I'm fine. Just tired. I will just lay down for a bit." He walked upstairs and flopped down on the bed. Taking a deep and long breath, he released it slowly before his hand reached his pocket with his heart racing.

" Hello?" The voice spoke when the call set in. He couldn't help it. He had to hear her voice just to make sure. But the words could not leave his mouth while his head split in two.


" Hello? Hello? Jinwei? Are you okay?"

The silence unnerved the person on the other line and panic set in immediately. 

"Oh God, Jinwei? Jinwei! Was there an accident?What is happening? M-Mom? Something happened to..." She cried in fear.

" I'm fine Xue'er." He answered finally his voice thick and gravelly with emotion the pain subsiding slightly and his tongue felt loose enough to speak.

" Jinwei. Don't do that . You scared me seven ways to hell. If you do that again, I will not talk to you ever again, even if you beg ,do you hear me?" She scolded.

" Yes Baby." He hummed with a smile. His heart rate calmed down and the throbbing of his head eased.


After a few moments of silence, Wang Linxue continued.

" So, why did you call me? You just saw me a few minutes ago. Why are you so clingy huh? You're ruining your image to me."

" I don't care. Just don't ever leave me ok? I'd be lost without you.'' He swallowed anxiously. He felt a sense of impending doom in his gut.

" Stop exaggerating Jinwei.'d do great without me. Like you always do." Wang Linxue whispered shyly.

'' Promise me."

Silence rang from the mobile phone again.

" Fine, fine. I promise that I will never leave you. Never stop loving you, because, we are soulmates and we probably met and had a children together in our previous lives. Here we are again. " She joked with a laugh that shot straight into his heart.

" Mm. Keep going."

"... Jinwei, are you sure you're okay. You sound a bit down. Did something happen at home? "

" No, I just-I just miss you."

"Awww. I love you baby." Wang Linxue whispered shyly.

" I love you too Xue'er." He murmured .

He ended the call still not giving anything away about what he heard. He would go to the address and date Fu Tuying and whoever he was speaking to set.

He had to get to the bottom of this before it was too late.


"Aaaaand cut! Great job you two and I must ask, Ling Zhirou is it?" Renji Liang peered through this glasses and stared at the talent infront of him.

" Yes sir." She humbly replied.

" Well done. You are one of the few all rounders in the group today. Keep it up." He praised.

A few faces soured with envy at being outdone once more. They stared daggers at Zhirou.

But Ling Zhirou did not look at them focused solely on her script. She maintained her calm demeanor, giving her detractors no satisfaction or acknowledgement.

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora