«5» an uncharted territory

Start from the beginning

Yaseerah scoffed, thinking about walking the distance between Maitama to Asokoro. “It's an awfully long distance.”

He flashed her a reassuring smile, revealing his dimples that she couldn't help but admire. “I don't mind the walk. Besides, I've been looking for an excuse to stretch my legs.”

Despite everything she was feeling, Yaseerah couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face, not even bothering to hide it.

This man, whoever he was, had made her smile, an honest to God smile, and he didn't even know it.


How could she say no?

Besides, it was getting late, and approaching her curfew. She hadn't thought far beyond leaving the garden, and now that reality had set in, she knew that Fulan was her best chance at getting home quickly.

Despite the rational part of her that screamed to maintain the distance between them, that nothing good could ever come out of this, she couldn't resist the pull of him. There was longing deep within her, and she wished more than anything that she could act on it, explore whatever it was he stirred inside her.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Yaseerah nodded reluctantly. “Fine, you can drive me home.”

Fulan's expression softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Thank you.”

They walked in silence, a palpable tension hanging between them as they moved towards the parking area where he'd left his car.

As they reached Fulan's car, Yaseerah couldn't help but admire the sleek, midnight-blue Porsche 911 that stood before her, glistening under the soft glow of nearby streetlights.

Yaseerah hesitated for a moment as he opened the passenger door for her, before she slid into the plush leather seat, feeling the cool, smooth surface against her skin.

Once they were both settled inside, Fulan started the engine with a subtle roar, and the car purred to life.

The engine's purr filled the space between them as Fulan maneuvered the sleek Porsche through the city's winding streets.

“Is there something on your mind, Yaseerah?”

Yaseerah's gaze remained fixed on the passing cityscape, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and memories.

She wanted to respond, to acknowledge him, but her mind was a chaotic mess.

She liked the sound of her name on his lips, the way he rolled the r, and pronounced the h at the end, like a whisper, a gentle caress.

Dayum! She shouldn't be thinking this but his entire presence beside her was overwhelming.

The scent of leather from the car's exterior and his own distinct fragrance, a blend of musk and something uniquely him, enveloped her, making her feel lightheaded and oddly entranced.

“Are you...”

“Please don't ask if I'm okay,” she cut him off, hating how her voice broke at the end. “I don't want to lie to you and I don't want to talk about it, because if I do, then I'll cry and I don't know if I'll be able to stop.”

A heavy silence enveloped them, and though Yaseerah mentally berated herself for saying as much as she did, she couldn't take back what she had just said.

This was one of the reasons why Yaseerah kept her distance. She was an open book, always desperate for the one who would listen to her, despite it going against every training that had been ingrained in her at a young age.

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