A Time with Chiyo

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Chisaki could only stare at the girl, who hadn't gotten off of him yet, surprisingly.

"A bit of charm here, a little few lies. She bought it and went about her merry way." Chisaki explained.

"Really? Your talent for lying is scary." Meiko tilted her head.

"One of the perks of being an assassin." Chisaki whispered the last word.

Meiko blushed at that, but realized he probably whispered for a reason.

"Oh, the prisoners aren't in here, they're further down in the mess room eating. I had told them I made you run an errand or else you wouldn't eat." Meiko said.

"Good cover up." Chisaki winked.

Meiko blushed and smiled gently.

Chisaki then lifted her up, standing up with her in his arms.

"But, I was told I was leavin' today anyways...so we best get ready." Chisaki said.

The rest of this chapter is going to be from Chiyo's P.O.V.

I sat in my dorm room, I was quite upset. Kiyoshi was such a kind guy, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by his actions. I just hope that Mari will take it easy on him now that I stepped in.

Mayumi walked over to me.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you like Kiyoshi more than you like Chisaki." Mayumi said.

My face went red at the thought of him...

"A-ah! No that's not true! Kiyoshi's just really kindhearted! It'd be a shame if he got expelled because of me!" I replied.

"I don't even get why you decided to go on a date with him and not Chisaki. You guys have already-."

"Shh Shh! What if someone hears you?" I shushed the blue haired girl.

Mayumi only giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Right." Mayumi smiled.

"I chose Kiyoshi because I couldn't find Chisaki...and he's always surrounded by girls, what if they started to hate me because I was seen with him?" I sighed.

"You're Mari's little sister, no one can hate you even if they wanted to. Plus, Meiko's been seen with him on multiple occasions, no one has said a thing." Mayumi reassured me.

"I guess...I hope they let him out soon..." I smiled gently to myself.

Chisaki was always such a kind person. He was sweet, and thoughtful, very flirtatious, but he still knew and respected my boundaries.

And that night...he was so gentle...and soft...and...sweet.


"Chiyo...are you sure you want to do this? With me? Of all people?" Chisaki asked.

We had came back from a Sumo Tournament that was stationed in our area, and I was wondering if Chisaki would be my first time.

We had gone out multiple times, and I had developed a large crush on him.

"Yes..." I nodded.

"But- Chiyo we aren't even dating...your first time is sacred and has to be with someone you love and trust...someone you feel safe with..." Chisaki said.

His face looked unsure, along with another expression that was unfamiliar, maybe he was just as nervous as I was.

"But I love you! I love you Chisaki! And I feel safe with you! And I trust you! I wouldn't have asked if I didn't feel those things for you..." I said.

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