The Next Morning

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Chisaki yawned as he awoke, he was so comfortable in the bed that he almost forgot he was supposed to be in a prison.

He would've gotten up, but he found himself bound by Meiko's arms.

"M-Meiko." He called.

The girl didn't dare to move, she was in a deep slumber, and the faint smile on her face told all Chisaki needed to know.

"As much as I'd love to see your cute sleeping face, I'd rather not get more jail time." Chisaki sighed.

He then turned himself as much as he could to face Meiko, and grabbed her waist.

This action caused the girl to blush and move in her sleep.

Chisaki began to shake her.

"Meiko, kinda need you to wake up." He spoke.

He tried not to be loud, seeing as he didn't know how thin the walls were and if someone was walking past Meiko's door right now.

'She's a heavy fuckin' sleeper.' He deadpanned as he continued to shake the girl.

"Meiko!" He said a tad bit louder.

Meiko groaned and slung her leg over Chisaki's body, pushing herself onto his body, and further sucking Chisaki underneath her.

Chisaki's hands rested gently on the dip of her back, he let out an exasperated sigh, and his eyes landed on her butt.

An idea popped up in his head and a smirk spread across his face.

He rose his left hand and brought it down onto Meiko's ass.

The girl jolted awake instantly.

"Wh-?! What was that?!" Meiko asked frantically.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty! Sorry for the rude awakening, but you just wouldn't wake up for anything. Though, I did quite enjoy it~." Chisaki winked.

Meiko blushed even more.

"Wh-what? I slept on you?!" Meiko asked.

"I don't understand why you're so surprised..." Chisaki muttered as he got up.

Meiko was inwardly panicking. She didn't exactly know how to get Chisaki back to his cell without someone noticing, and she was sure that if someone found out, they'd start talking and Mari would find out...

She shivered at the thought of Mari finding out, she'd be so disappointed...

"Earth to Meiko?" Chisaki asked, snapping in her face.

Meiko snapped out of her thoughts, as she had realized Chisaki was right in front of her.

"Welcome back. Any idea how we're gonna sneak me out of your room?" Chisaki asked.

"No..." Meiko said.

Chisaki tilted his head.

"I have an idea. Though I'm not gonna like it." Chisaki sighed.

Meiko looked at him as he began to explain the plan to her.

She smirked to herself as she stuffed the boy in a trash bag.

She had to drag his heavy weight down to the prison. It was discreet, albeit suspicious, but it should get the job done.

As smart as the girls were, they were a bit air headed as well.

'Probably because of that rich, sheltered life.' Chisaki thought as he felt Meiko lift him up after she had gotten dressed.

"Good morning, Miss Vice President! What do you have there?" A girl asked Meiko.

Meiko looked at the girl.

"I was collecting the trash from the headmaster's closet and taking it out." Meiko responded.

The girl had only nodded and let Meiko pass by.

Chisaki had to stop himself from moving as he was very uncomfortable, he felt cramped, but he took every sway of the bag as an opportunity to move a limb of his body, hopefully he wouldn't get a cramp later on in the day...

Meiko neared the prison, her heart jumped for joy until a voice from behind her had stopped her in her tracks.

"Meiko? What are you doing? It's too early to wake the prisoners..." Mari asked.

Meiko froze in her spot, her sweat poured out of every glands of her body as she turned around.

"I-I'm taking this trash to the...trash." Meiko spoke.

Mari squinted her eyes at the bag, the longer she stared, the more Meiko sweat. She could fill three buckets at the rate she was going.

"Why not let the prisoners get rid of it?" Mari asked.

"W-well I already had it...and I figured since I was going this way I may as well...t-throw it out..." Meiko stammered.

Mari tilted her head, her eyes never leaving the bag. Meiko could only sweat in silence.

"W-well I better go ahead an-

"Let me." Mari said.

Meiko flinched.

"I-I'm sure it's a bit...heavy for you, Mari-

"I got it. Give it here. You take care of the prisoners." Mari said, a bit of authority in her voice.

Meiko had no choice, she hoped that Chisaki would be fine. She handed the bag to Mari, who took it with no difficulty.

"If it's only trash, I'll be placing it in the incinerator. The garbages are quite full at the moment." Mari spoke as she walked away.

Meiko turned to protest, her heart dropped instantly at the news, but Mari was mysteriously gone, crows only crowded the area she stood at.

Meiko's legs lost feeling as she collapsed on her ass, her eyes watered lightly as she was deep in thought.

'I-I need to get up! I need to get up and tell Mari that Chisaki is in there!' She thought.

His life was in danger, and no amount of her pride or Mari's disappointment would change her resolve to save him.

So she got up immediately and ran off into the direction of the incinerator.


'You know, I didn't think I'd die in a trash bag.' Chisaki thought.

He was currently swinging left and right, unknowing of where he was going, what path he was being taken to, all he knew was that death was near.

Well...not exactly.

Mari didn't actually go to the incinerator.

She went to a secluded area in the forest near the school, one she knew all too well.

She opened the bag and smirked when she saw a wild Chisaki.

"Why, hello Mari." His bright, cheshire smile made her heart skip a beat along with the sultry drawl of her name coming from his lips.

"Chisaki. Why am I not surprised to see you?" Mari asked.

She placed her hand on her hips, and stared down at the male, her eyes were judgmental and harsh, glowering down at Chisaki's face.

"I can't answer that, however, I do have a question." Chisaki spoke as he stood up, a satisfied chuckle escaped his lips as he towered over Mari, watching her head tilt up to maintain eye contact with him.

"What?" She asked sharply, her teeth grit as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"How on earth did you know I was in that bag?" Chisaki asked.

He moved closer to Mari, her glare wavered as she felt the heat in her chest grow hotter the closer he got.

"More importantly...why did you bring me here in this secluded area?"

(I DIDNT FAIL YOU! IT WAS LATER THAN I WANTED BUT IT'S STILL THE 4Th! I love you guys sm like...y'all motivate me everyday!

Anyways next chapter will be out September 8th!)

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