Hana Pays a Visit!

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Chisaki's P.O.V.

Once Chiyo left, I yanked the knife out of my hip, the blood seeped through my pants.

The time that it would take Chiyo to get a nurse to treat me was uncertain, and I didn't exactly want to die from blood loss.

I slid off my pants and groaned as my favorite pair of boxers were stained and also ripped due to the knife puncturing through it, and I couldn't clean my wound without taking them off.

So, I took them off and grabbed some of the antiseptic. I don't know why this shit is just laying around, but I figured it's whatever.

I flinched when I placed the cloth against my wound. I let out a deep breath as I began to pat it gently, before running the cloth along the wound.

The bleeding began to lighten, and I continued to treat the wound, thankfully it wasn't deep, so I didn't need to stitch it.

Once I finished treating it, I bandaged it up and prepared to put my pants back on, but a presence that I knew all too well was approaching, so I took my sweet time, to surprise her.

"Chisaki!" The girl yelled.

"Ah!! Why didn't you warn me you were naked?!" Hana squealed.

"I didn't know you'd be walking through the door unannounced." I deadpanned.

"Eek! Well, put them on! Hurry!" Hana rushed me.

I shrugged and began to slide my boxers back up my leg.

"W-wait! No! Not yet!" Hana stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

The girl walked over to me and closed the pink curtains, completely enclosing us in this small ass, cubicle-like area, I sat on the bed.

"I'm going to do to you, everything you did to me." Hana spoke, a sudden bit of authority was in her voice.

I rolled my eyes discreetly.

"Uhuh." I sighed.

"First off, I'm going to watch you pee, just like you watched me." Hana said.

"With what? You want me to pee on the floor?" I asked.

"That's why I grabbed this doo-hickey." Hana spoke, pulling a glass container from her blazer.

I let out a sigh.

"Don't you see I'm hurt? Aren't you concerned? You should be more considerate of the-

"Just shut up and do it before the nurse gets here!" Hana yelled, throwing the glass container to my side.

I looked at the glass object, and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine. Fine." I spoke.

"And I'll commemorate it with a photo. Why don't you loosen up a bit? Smile big for the camera, throw up a gang sign or something." Hana spoke, she was smiling sadistically at me, her phone hovering over me.

"Aw~ now that's not so fair is it, Hana? I never took a photo of you." I spoke.

Hana blushed lightly, and grabbed my arms.

"Hurry up and whip it out! Pee already!" She ordered.

"Absolutely not. I won't do it if you're taking photos! I'm a famous man, I have a reputation to uphold!" I chuckled, keeping my arms over my groin.

"Ugh! Why are you such a stubborn son of a bitch?!" Hana panted as she sat on the bed.

I shrugged.

"Turn around." Hana said.


"Just do it." Hana growled.

I turned around on the bed, the deep wound on my hip reminded me that it was there.

"Oh Fuck..." I whispered.

"There's not much time, so I'll change the order. I'll kick things off by peeing on you." Hana said.

I heard clothes dropping to the floor, and my eyes widened. She was really serious about this.

"I'm going to give you an equal dose of the humiliation that you gave me." Hana said.

"Uh- I don't have a piss kink, Hana. I'm not sure if I want-."

"Does it look like I care? Now roll onto your belly, chop chop!" Hana ordered.

"Oh no~! I will not Ms. Hana. I don't fuck with pee! I don't want that shit!" I yelled and I was about to turn around but she kicked my back in, forcing me to fall on my stomach.

"Hana! Hana, I will kill you if you pee on me." I threatened.

"Like that scares me." Hana scoffed, her feet were on the sides of me, the wound on my hip was pressed between my arms.

"Shit!" I groaned.

"Just stay still!" Hana said.

I tried to move, I really did, but I didn't want to reopen my wound.

Please lord, don't let me murder a helpless girl...

"Chisaki?" The voice of Chiyo spoke.

I let out an inaudible sigh.

"Thank god." I whispered.

"Chisaki, are you still in here? I couldn't find the nurse, I really hope you're alright." Chiyo said.

Her footsteps echoed, and I had realized that my pants were definitely not in this area.

"Fuck...if she sees us like this..." I thought.

Hana quickly grabbed me and pulled me underneath the bed with her.

"Shut up! Don't even think about moving." Hana whispered.

"You're the one that's fucking talking, Lady." I sweat dropped.

My mind raced though, why did she have to pull me so close? Then again I suppose to make sure I wasn't hanging out.

But if Chiyo saw me I'm sure it wouldn't have been an issue...

It'd look too suspicious now, if I just suddenly erupted from underneath the bed half naked.


Hana's leg slid up my thigh.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered.

"I'm uncomfortable! Stop talking!" Hana whispered back.

I bit my lip, she was enticing me, and despite my complete self control in my head, my dick had a mind of its own.

I could feel the tip touch her thigh, and it grew even more at the sudden feeling.

"Chiyo, get the fuck out, hurry up!" I thought.

I tried thinking about other things that could help bring down my erection.

The door had finally opened and I let out a breath as it closed, quickly pushing myself out from underneath the bed.

"I'm so sorry, Hana! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, please accept my apology!" I apologized.

I didn't hear a response from the blonde, and looked up, seeing she was completely still and motionless. Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head.

"Wait...is she...did she pass out?"

(A/n: sorry again for the wait! I've been sick lately! Idk what the hell is going on with me, I haven't had the greatest of health, mentally and physically. But I will continue to try and crank out more chapters! I also need to work on another book that I accidentally ghosted...

Anyways, next deadline: ???)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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