Chapter 10

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Soon the men arrived saving both mother-daughter duo from Bianca's baseless boring rant.

They started the dinner Jacob was sitting on the head table, to his right was Jelena and Rachel, on his left Axel and Bianca.

The men seriously were talking about business, Jelena giving her opinions once a while. Bianca's eye lit up everytime they talked about wealth or when Axel casually mentioned expensive things.

She occasionally tried to invite herself into the convo but got ignored by giving dumb opinions.

Rachel was also quiet throughtout meal.
She elegantly cut the steak and ate it.
She leaned forward to take the jar of bellini which was near Bianca but accidantly dropped it over Bianca's dress.

Evryone gasped excect for Jacob and Axel. Bianca stood up wide eyes and Looked at Rachel who seemed a little apologetic.

"I'm so sorry Bianca it was accidental." Bianca tried to brush it off but internally she was very pissed.

Jelena told Bianca to go into one of their guest washroom and told a maid to escort her.

Bianca went away angry at Rachel because the dress costed her almost a fortune.

"Sit down Rachel and complete your food." Her father said authoratively.

Rachel sat down and Axel poured her another glass of Bellini. She thanked him and continued her food.

20 minutes went by and everybody was wondering what's taking Bianca so long.

Jelena told Axel to check on her so he went away scowling.

He went where the guest washroom was located. He knocked on the door and called out.

"Bianca are you done?" No answer came. He turned the knob to find it unlocked. He frowned looked inside but noone was there.

He was confused wondering where she went.

He searched the entire guest wing but found her nowhere.

He asked the servants where she is but none of them knew.

He let out a breath irritated. 'Did she get lost?is she a damn child for that.' He thought his anger rising.

He searched most of the corners and decided to search that one remaining wing. 'I don't think so she's there but it won't hurt to check'. He headed towards that wing and much to his surprise he saw Bianca coming out fixing her dress. His anger rised seeing her come out of that room.

Bianca saw Axel and paled She saw him taking long powerful strides towards her looking angry. Her dress had wet patch on the lower part.

he went and took hold of her hand tightly and gritthed his teeth.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her angrily, she looked at him surprised , she never saw him this angry before. Not even when he was irritated by her.

"Didn't the maid show u the washroom? Then how the fuck did u end up here." He yelled at her

Bianca smiled and traced her finger on his chest but Axel removed it making her chuckle.

"Why, does The Great Sinclair's treasure lies in here?" She whispered getting to close to him. He pushed her away from him making her stumble three steps back.

"Answer me." He asked looking staright in her eyes.

" No 'how's your dress Bianca or did it stain the dress.' Maybe i should gift u a book on how to treat your girlfriend." She said scoffing.

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