thirty three!

208 5 1

[irl, phone call!]



LILY SPENDS MOST OF THE next few days hiding in her bed. elliot kept checking on her, but it felt like nothing was going to make her feel better.

instead, she lets lily mope in her bed for one more day, before bringing in their friends.

before bringing in their friends, elliot checks in on lily one more time.

lily hears her bedroom door open, but she pays no attention to it. she only clenches her eyes shut, both wanting to pretend to be asleep and not wanting to accept the situation—the situation with chris and the fans are completely eating her alive.

elliot frowns at the lack of light and her closed blinds and curtains. her room is completely dark.

noticing this—even if she shouldn't be shocked—she flicks the light switch on.

lily immediately flinches and covers her eyes. "turn that off!" her voice comes out snippy and harsh.

elliot, however, expects this. "lily, you can't just stay in bed and avoid chris for the rest of your life."

lily flinches at the mention of his name. "i can and i will." she mumbles and lifts her blanket up to cover her face.

"lils?" elliot asks, growing concerned—she was concerned from the beginning, but it seems that this is so much more worse.

lily doesn't answer, instead she waits until elliot sighs, shuts off the light and gently shuts her bedroom door.

when she's absolutely sure that her best friend is gone, she moves the blanket to fall off her face and land over her waist.

the only thing that she can focus on is the blinding tears in her eyes and how she struggles to stay calm. panicked breaths leave her lips and her body shakes from the guilt and thought of chris and the anger in his eyes the other night—the disappointment more than anything else.

after a few more seconds of thinking about it all, with the negative, intrusive thoughts lingering, she can't stop the quiet sobs and hollow breaths that leave her. and her tears quickly become hot and overwhelming.


[irl / phone call!]

WITH A WORRIED SIGH, AFTER hearing her best friend's quiet cries and sobs, elliot walks into the kitchen and pulls out her phone.

there's only one person that can fix this.


the line rings for far too long and he doesn't answer.

elliot grows irritated, before calling again.

when he doesn't answer, she groans and calls the next best person.


elliot gets antsy by every passing second that she waits for matt to answer.

although, she doesn't have to wait for that long because he answers on the third ring. "hey, elle. everything okay?"

she can tell from his tone of voice that he's still very concerned about the whole situation.

"how is lily? i texted her, but she hasn't answered. and i know she said that it's not my fault and that she doesn't blame me, but i can't help but feel responsible." he says, his voice proving to her how stressed he is—she can practically sense the anxiety from his side of the call.

elliot sighs. "that's actually what i'm calling about. i'm really worried and i called chris because let's be honest, he might be the one that could fix this, but he didn't answer. i know he's hurting and all, but so is lily." she answers, feeling a little more worried than ever.

and matt only becomes more concerned for his friend. "yeah, i just saw him in the kitchen a while ago. he seemed pretty annoyed," he pauses, really thinking about it more. "how is she? is it bad?" he asks again, feeling incredibly worried about lily.

elliot sighs again and leans against the kitchen counter. "see, matt, that's the problem. there's too much going on—she's reacting in too many different ways."

matt sighs, becoming both confused and concerned. "what do you mean?"

"she's...completely isolated. she won't go on her phone at all—and you know that's saying a lot because she's practically obsessed with her phone and can't go five seconds without being on it. and she won't eat or hydrate. she just hides in the dark in her room with her blinds and curtains closed. she won't even leave the light on. and when i went in earlier, i had turned on the light and she flinched at it and she got so upset—she's snapping bad. and i can tell she's hurting and she feels so guilty about this. and i think the longer she goes without seeing chris or talking to him is only going to make this worse." she says quietly, making sure lily can't hear her.

a part of her feels bad for telling matt this, but she's concerned and doesn't know what else to do.

matt sighs on the other side. "what can we do?"

elliot stutters at this, "i—i don't know. i don't know if we should involve our friends to get her to open up, or if we need to get chris involved. and you know i understand why he's upset, but i wish he could see her side of it."

matt sighs again. "i know. i've tried to talk about it with him, but he's shutting me out."

elliot sighs at this. "well, we have to do something. and i'm really worried about her. and with her bpd, i'm worried that her mind is going to make her feel worse and she could do something way worse to herself. we all know how she punishes herself when things get bad."

"i agree. how about i come over and i can try to talk to her?" matt asks, trying to figure out a solution or idea to this problem and situation.

elliot sighs, thinking for a moment. "yeah. i think we should at least try. and actually, you should get ness and bring her with. not only will she understand, but she might be the only other person besides chris that can get her to listen."

after another moment, matt agrees and the two friends come up with a plan to be there for lily, before they both they say their goodbyes.

once she says goodbye, elliot sighs and sets her phone down on the counter and runs her fingers through her hair in stress and concern.


A/N: hey, guys!! sorry for being so neglectful towards these chapters. i've been struggling a lot with motivation. anyways, here's a sorta filler chapter?? i'm hoping to write only a few more chapters of angst so that i can start to add some more feelings into the mix between lily and chris before they finally get together :)
—hannah <3

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