I thought for a second, closing my eyes and thinking. I noticed the way she looked at me as if she had seen me through the eyes of...

"She recognised me" I said, softly.

"What?" Sebastian asked.

I spoke a little louder. "She recognised me" I looked at Mr. Bianchi. "Do we have any photos of these boys? anything that I can look at?"

"I can get one of my men to investigate and snap some photos for you, why?"

I walked over to his desk and leaned in making him lean back in his chair. "She recognised me because I must have the same features as our son. I saw it, in her own eyes. Through that emptiness and fear, I saw a glint of her staring at me like I was one of our sons."

"He poisoned her completely, Chris. Don't be a fucking idiot thinking something just because you're hopeful" Sebastian said.

"Believe what you want. But I believe and will fucking hope that my Bunny is still there. Fighting her way through that bastards mind control." I stood up and faced Sebastian "We need... I need to know for sure if everything we fought for, everything we've ever done is completely lost and if it isn't then I'm not giving up. I'm not giving her up"

"How do you propose we do that? He would have her surrounded by guards and not to mention the boys and the mansion and every step she takes, we take towards her. We'll be dead"

"We have two inside men. They will report everything back to us. We need to find a way to get her alone. Completely alone without Zakaria anywhere insight. Another event, perhaps?" I said, feeling more hopeful than ever.

"We could arrange a masked party." Mr. Bianchi mentioned.

"Zakaria will not leave her sight now! Are you two crazy? He will have her surrounded, not mentioned chained to his bloody side from now on. I'll be fucking surprised if he lets her out of the house again" Sebastian said.

"Maybe I could help with all this?" Came the voice of Mrs. Bianchi from behind us. We turned to see her walking towards the desk in front. "I could always invite her for a get together with me. Plan a masked party at their own house."

"I don't mean too offend, but how will that help? They will search us and know it's us" Sebastian continued. "This is crazy. You can't just expect us to waltz in their mansion without being caught"

"No... You're walking straight in." She then looked at me. "You mentioned that you have two inside men. Who are they?"

"Miles and Oscar. Miles is one of Zakaria's man and Oscar use to work for him before swearing an oath to y/n" I replied.

"And you think both men can be trusted?" She asked.

"Oscar swore an oath. If he breaks it he will die. Miles..." I thought quickly about that day, the day he brought the letter to me and Sebastian. Then Sebastian chained him up and he only got set free because he too swore an oath...

To me...

"He swore an oath to Christopher. So, we can trust him, otherwise he knows the deal" Sebastian chimed in. I turned to face Sebastian. How did he know? I did that in secret, getting the oath of Miles. "Don't look at me like that, I do live and have eyes and ears all around the fucking place, Christopher. I knew what he did, what you made him do. I don't care, you can have him"

"Then, with both men swearing the oath they have no other option but to work for you and do what you require of them." Mrs. Bianchi continued "I will see if I can arrange a girl's day out with Mrs. Bane"

"Don't call her that" Sebastian said, with his fists balled up.

"She is known by that name and you'll do well to remember where you are and who is trying to help you. You may not like the fact she has taken his last name, but you will remember why she took it and at what cost" She said. "She did this all for you. You both wanted to put an end to Zakaria and if what I know is correct, you, Sebastian had made the plan with her in the first place that got her in this mess"

Sebastian looked down. Ashamed of what took place three years ago. She was right, if we didn't put our precious girl in a situation, we wouldn't have this mess now.

"Zakaria won't like that. He knows you're working with us" I said.

"My dear boy... Zakaria doesn't need to know. This is, after all our city" She said. "Even if he did find out, he will do well to remember his own place and where he has taken up resident. We own this city and everyone that lives in it"

I nodded my head.

"Good. Then it's settled. I will have word with Mrs. Bane and form a plan in having this masked party. I repeat this once...Do not interfere with this plan. If your men contact you, inform my husband. I will take care of the poor girl."

I looked at Mr. Bianchi and he was sitting there smiling. "I did say, my wife was the boss"

I didn't give a fuck who was in charge at this moment. This plan better fucking work and I better have my fucking woman back. Along with both my sons...
Author's Note:

It's so good to have a mafia family siding with Chris and Seb. Let's hope they don't make a foolish mistake and lose their girl altogether!

 Let's hope they don't make a foolish mistake and lose their girl altogether!

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